Chapter 38

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Chapter 38- Ella's POV

I heard the doorbell ring and my mother shuffle down the hall to answer it. It was quite a coincidence that she was already home, usually she did not get her until around 7pm, and it was only 5.30pm. She had managed to get off early from work for once. Not that I minded, for once I was able to spend some time with her.

I was so angry at Edward. I couldn't believe what he had told me. He had kept the truth from me for so long. All this time, I had been worried about Nathan bullying him, when in truth, I didn't really blame him. He had dated his mum! That must have been disgusting for Nathan, as well as awkward. Edward was quite young for her, too. No wonder Nathan hated him. And right now, I felt like I shared the way he felt about him. He had been acting like a victim with Nathan when in reality he had been the one to blame. Honestly, I couldn't be angrier at him that he hid the truth from me. I understood Nathan's reason for not telling me- it wasn't his story to tell, and anyway, it was embarrassing for him, too, but Edward? He just wanted to look like the perfect person.

I hated that Edward had dated Nathan's mum, who was flawless and almost forty, and then chose to date me, when I was only seventeen years old. Oh, and there had been Beth somewhere in between, I suppose. Such an age difference amongst his girlfriends. Really, I didn't blame Nathan for saying that he's a player. Okay, that's too harsh. He never actually cheated. But he certainly knows which women to date. He could get anyone he wants, and I'm so angry at myself for falling for him.

I still love him, though. And I'm angry at myself for this, too.

The moment that the doorbell rang, I had been upstairs, changing back into my pyjamas. It wasn't like I was going anywhere. Then I heard his voice.

"It's not what you think!" someone bellowed. Was it him or was I imagining? No, it couldn't be him.

But it was his voice I had heard...

I heard my mum reply. "Yes... who are you please?"

Silence followed after that, and curiosity got the better of me. I pulled on my t-shirt quickly and walked out of my room. Muffled voices could be heard. It was my mum speaking.

 "I've seen you before, at the grocery store, right?" I heard mum say. No answer so far.

This was weird. Very weird. And when I heard the voice that replied, I confirmed just how strange the situation was.

"Umm... yes ma'am, I have seen you before.... at umm... the store. Nice to see you again... although, please, do excuse me for barging in like that." He laughed, nervously I could tell.

By the time he had said the word "ma'am", I had already started jolting down the stairs. Edward looked at me in horror as I arrived in front of him. As our eyes met, I could see his panicked state. But I couldn't feel sorry for him. I glared at him.

Mum didn't even seem to realise that I was standing behind her. She continued speaking to Edward. "Oh, don't worry about that. Do you know Malcolm?"

Edward scratched his heck, while I smirked. I knew what his answer would be, because he did know Malcolm. He just knew me better. "Yeah... I do."

My mother frowned. "Well, I don't think he's home right be honest, I wonder if he will be here at all this evening." She turned around and seemed to notice me for the first time. "Honey," she said. "Is Malcolm going to be home tonight? Have you seen him?"

I muttered something about him saying that he said that he would be spending his weekend somewhere else, and she went off in search of her phone to confirm to Edward what I had just said. I turned to Edward.

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