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“life is short and unpredictable, it won't stop nor will it fasten

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“life is short and unpredictable, it won't stop nor will it fasten. It will keep on moving flowing us with it's waves.”



In the warmth of Istanbul sun a whisper reached her sleepy ears. The room looked as though it was situated in an angel's Halo. The soft glow bathed the four walls in their beautiful hue of golden.

A sleepy hum and a small nod of her head caught the attention of the figure looming over her. She felt her hair being swept aside from her face.

"You have a meeting in ten minutes. Get your sexy ass out of bed" a loud voice startled her awake, her reflexes kicked in making her launching a punch in the direction of the voice.

"Woah woman. You told me to wake you up, calm down" Aaban yelled dodging a very common morning attack.

"You could've been gentle" she mumbled frowning at the spinning of her head.

"Remind me one time when you've woken up gently" he said walking to the closet.

"Remind me one time when you haven't lied to me about this ten minutes thing. I still have an hour Aaban" she groaned checking the time.

"Get ready. You take an eternity doing just that" he said coming out in a pair of black dress pants, while sipping his coffee.

"Your son kept me up last night. Unlike you I wasn't sleeping my ass off while my child cried in pain" she gritted seeing him shrug nonchalantly.

"Well he is a little assh—"

"Dare you say a thing about my baby" she glared standing up from her place in a defensive position.

"God. You're already replacing me and it hasn't even been year since he's born" Aaban said offended.

"And it hasn't been more than four years to our marriage. Get a grip. This was bound to happen one day or another" she shrugged walking past him taking his coffee with her.

"My replacement? You were planning on replacing me?" He gasped dramatically.



"Please shut up. I'm already having a headache" she whispered in a defeated tone.

"Yeah whatever. You gave birth to a headache eight months ago."

"Aaban" she glared at him making him pull his hands up in mock surrender.

She slammed the door at his face sighing, regretting the day she accepted his offer to keep him.

Four years and it was still the same. Them arguing, fighting and then getting back together at the end of the day. Only difference being the birth of their son, Affan.

Daastan E Ishq - داستانِ عشقWhere stories live. Discover now