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Soon enough we were chilling, just sitting in front of the TV. It wasn't a really big group, so I was still trying to get my homework done, as were a few others that were here.

Ryan entered the living room with a box of liquor.

"Jones, you want one?"

"umm, yeah sure," I said, slightly distracted.

"you sure?" Levi asked plopping himself beside me, on the floor.

I felt pretty in-control of myself so I was kind of fine with drinking again. Not at parties though, not that I really went to any these days.

"yeah yeah," I said still not looking up from my notebook.

"Hayley" Jacob called.

I looked up and smiled. "I'm sure."

He didn't hand Aiden a drink, or even offer, which was a little odd...

Sometimes I wondered why they were friends with me and why they seemed to care about me. Did they really care about me? I felt maybe I didn't deserve them.

We ordered pizzas which, got over really fast.
I took a few sips of alcohol, making me slightly buzzed.

I leaned back onto the couch behind me getting a little sleepy. We were playing bluff with a set of cards we found.

I was slightly tired and a little tipsy, but not enough to stop me from thinking straight.

I then heard my phone ring and looked around me trying to find it.

"It's your mom," Aiden's voice said softly, handing my phone to me from the side table. I swear to god he had the best voice.

I took my phone and walked towards the balcony. I opened the door and stepped out into the cold, fresh air.

I answered the phone, feeling a knot form at the pit of my stomach.

"Hi mom," I said softly, into the phone.

"hi, sorry I didn't call earlier, I was busy. But anyway, I'm going to be out till next monday,"


"One more thing, there's this art gallary next Sunday that one of my clients is having, he's holding a brunch as well, you need to go,"

"What, why?"

"Hayley, I know you don't like events like this, but after everything I've done for you, this is the least you can do." No, I didn't like events like this. Rich, pretentious people judging everyone there based on how late they are, their clothes, and who they came with.


"fine, but listen-


"You paid the school last year to pass me, why didn't you tell me?" I asked in an annoyed tone. There was so much I was mad about. She put fucking AP Calculus on my timetable, and didn't even think to tell me? And she didn't bother showing up for my art gallery.

"Hayley, you were out of control, you wouldn't have listened to me"

"But I was fine through summer, you could have told me, I'm just saying it would have been a lot easier if I knew that I'd need the math that I didn't learn last year."

"I did the best I could alright, I need to go now, I'll see you Monday. Don't be late for the lunch thing,"

I shook my head, clenched my jaw, and stuffed my phone into my pocket. I turned my ring on my finger, feeling it stretch against my skin.

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