thirty five

309 18 10


"75, why did you subtract 1 instead of adding in the last step," Aiden said, letting out a small chuckle.

"Ah fuck," I scratched out my final answer.

"I mean, you know how to do it right," he said, and his phone buzzed. He looked at it and arched his eye brows, "I'll be back in a second, Levi says its important," he said, getting up and walking out of his room, as I continued with the next sum.

The door slowly creaked open moments later, and I expected to see Aiden. Insetad, I saw the girl from the cafeteria,

"Hey," she said, "uhm...this is Aiden's room....right?" She asked, "Aiden and Jake?"

"Uh..yeah, Aiden just went out, he should be back in a second," I said.

She stuck out her hand, "I'm Cassidy," she smiled.

"Hayley," I smiled back, shaking her hand.

"Oh lord, what happened to your leg?" She asked, noticing my cast and crutches.

" car crashed.." I said softly.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry....get well soon," she smiled.

I smiled again, it was sort of weird.
"So how long have you been at Westwood high?" She asked.

"Like a year...what about you, where are you from?" I asked.

"Oh well I've been here my whole life, but I've been living with my dad for the past year, he got some Yatch somewhere,"

"Oh wow..that sounds fun.."

"You'd be surprised. I did half of sophmore year, and half of senior year on a boat, I haven't learnt anything," she said.

"I did it in class, but haven't learnt anything either," I scoffed, and she let out a small laugh . Her smile was immediately replaced by a weird look. She sort of starred at me dead in the eye and narrowed her eyes at me, which was really fucking odd.

Within a second, the door burst open, and I heard the loud, and relativly deep voices of Aiden, Ryan, Levi and Jacob eco through the air of the room.

"Shut the fuck up Levi it-

"It was adorable," Levi chuckled,

"Hey..Jones...." he smiled, "cassy," he said hesitantly, and the others sort of awkwardly greeted the both of us, getting a little silent.

"Come with me, let's go get ice cream," Levi said, plopping down on the chair beside me.

"We just ate ice cream," I said

"What was the emergency?" I asked, referring to why he called Aiden.

"Oh there was this bug in my room it was so cool, look," he said, showing me a picture on his phone.

"Very cool Levi,"

"But wait, let's go out and get Ice cream, Jake and Ryan said they'll come as well,"

"We just had ice cream, and its late," I said.

"Today is your first day back to campus, and you were asleep for most of, and I just want you to have a good first day back," he said,

What a fucking cutie.

"Okay I'll come..." I chuckled.

I looked up to see Aiden and Cassidy talking, a few feet away. She seemed quiet nice actually.

He wasn't as relaxed as their first interaction though, he was sort of stiff, and seemed uninterested and bored, which was not only weird, it was also sort of rude, because she really did seem quiet enthusiastic.

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