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The next day night was terrible. I had slept for a solid three hours in the afternoon, and for whatever reason, I was just not sleepy. From the time Scarlett feel asleep at about 11:30 in the night, until 2 AM, I was tossing a turning, trying to fall asleep, but miserably failing.

Finally at 2:34am I decided to do something about it. I was quiet hungry as I hardly ate any dinner, and the cafeteria was too close to the dorm for me to not sneak in and get some ice cream.

Going through the main entrance of our dorm budding would create problems, so I pulled open my window, starring and the floor which was about 25 feet away from the ground at least. Well I did it yesterday from the second floor, the third floor can't be much harder....

I took a deep breath in, jumped off the side of the small balcony we had, holding its railings from the outside.

I managed to jump onto a platform, and from there, jumping onto the ground wasn't too difficult.

Thinking about it now, I don't know how the fuck I did this when I was drunk. Last year, I snuck out of my room more than I walked out the main exit. I walked quietly to the cafeteria, and pulled out my Swiss knife from my pocket. Picking the lock wasn't an issue, but picking it without damaging it was not easy.

I did however manage to do it, and I closed the door gently behind me, enthusiastically walking to the back of the cafeteria, where they storred the food.

There was a dull light in the middle of the kitchen, but other than that, the only thing that was preventing me from tripping over something was the flash from my phone.

I walked over to the massive fridge, and pulled the heavy door open, looking through the boxes of ice cream, and grinning at my accomplishment.

I heard the clanking of what sounded like keys being placed on the counter, and suddenly startled, I shrieked. Holding my Swiss knife infront of me, I turned around, unexpectedly looking at Aiden.

"Shh," he held his hand up to his mouth, pushing my Swiss knife away with his hand. He seemed shocked to see me as well, but unlike me, he didn't fucking yell loud enough to wake up the entire school.

He was resting on the counter behind him, holding the side of his torso, and behind to the side.

"god," I whispered, calming down from my sudden scare, still panting.

His face had a couple bruises and cuts on it, which was weird.

"What are you doing here?" I asked softly, when I heard someone else's presence in the cafeteria. "Oh fuck, someone else is here," I added quickly after.

"Hey! Who's there?!" I heard at a distance. It was probably one of the security guards, shit, shit , shit.

"Ahh shit," I instinctively tugged Aiden's hand, shut the door of the the fridge and pulled him with me into the small gap between two of the huge fridges.

"Ahh fuck," he flinched, moving in the small gap between us,

I looked up at him curiously, but he didn't say anything. I looked down at his knuckles that where pretty badly bruised as well.

"God, what happened?" I whispered.

"Nothing I'm fine..." he replied. I was going to say something, when the security yelled again.

"Who is in here? Come out now or its only gonna get worse from here," he yelled, his voice sounding oddly familiar.

I pulled back my Swiss knife and held it in front of me, for some reason, it just made me feel safer.

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