• Thirty-Eight - You Deserve A Planet •

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"Just stick it in your mouth, Princess."


"It tastes nice, I promise."

"But it's all wet and stuff."

"That just improves the taste, love."

"The idea of it just seems really weird though."

"Of all of the things you will regret putting in your mouth during your life time, this will not be one of them."

"Fine, give it to me," she said, rolling her eyes.

I handed her the french fry that I'd just dipped into her vanilla milkshake. She took a tentative bite, slowly chewing it.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

She nodded, "It's weird 'cause it's both sweet and salty at the same time."

"That's what she said," Tash said before I could respond.

"Not to you, she didn't," I bit back.

"You sly dog," she said, turning back to tell Tate and Fey that no one wanted to see their PDA's. "It is eating time, not kissing time."

I think she was just a bit on edge because she still hadn't told her parents about her girlfriend Ella. As far as I know, she hadn't even told them that she liked girls as well as boys.

Princess leaned over and took another one of my fries to dip in her milkshake. I didn't mind though, I was kind of full. I'd just ate a massive steak and salad sandwich, half of my fries, half of Princess' pancake stack with ice cream and bacon, and a peanut butter milkshake.

"Enjoying yourself?" I asked her.

"I am, thank you. This has been the best."

"What was your favorite part of the night?"

"Well, it's not over yet, but I really enjoyed this dinner. If pancakes and icecream are allowed to be classed as dinner, that is."

"Anything is allowed to be classed dinner on your birthday. Same with breakfast, too."

"Okay good because I liked it. So how have your holidays been so far?"

"Pretty alright, I've just been going to work with Daryl and helping him out around the workshop. What about you?"

"They've been... quiet. I've just been reading books and watching all of the TV shows that I'd fallen behind on."

"What shows?" I asked, curious about what shows Princess watched for entertainment. I just prayed she wouldn't say America's Next Top Model or anything like that.

"Well I finally finished season two of this show called In The Flesh and it was -"

"You watch ITF?" I asked a bit too excitedly.

"Do you?" She asked, just as excitedly.

I nodded furiously, "I love it so much. I'm so sad we're not getting a season three, though."

"I know," she said. "I just can't wait 'til we do though. It's my favorite show."

Ahh, she obviously hadn't heard the news, then. Maybe I'd wait until after her birthday to tell her that her favorite show had just been cancelled and wasn't coming back for a third season.


"I still have to give you your present," I said as we were standing outside the diner, all getting ready to leave.

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