• Thirteen - Drunken Antics and Lost Sleep •

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I saw the blonde watching me from across the smokey room from the moment I entered. She had a hunger in her eyes, like she was the hunter and I was the hunted. I watched as she sauntered over to me, never breaking eye contact. Her confidence was so sexy, and I was entranced.

"Have we met before?" She asked in a sultry voice as she leaned in, giving me full view down her blouse. "You just look so familiar."

I didn't know her, but the alcohol was clouding my judgment. "I don't know love, I think I'd remember a pretty face like yours," I gave her my most dazzling smile, the one that had won over girls a million times over.

"Well maybe if you're lucky," she said, trailing her finger up my bicep, "I'll give you something to remember me by for next time."

"Honey, a night with me would make you the lucky one."

Her eyes widened at my remark and that confidence she had dropped away from a brief moment. Then it was back and I swear she was moments from ripping my clothes off of me,  right there in that crowded room.
She grabbed me by my shirt, pushing me against the wall behind me. "I. Want. You." I could feel her hot breath on my neck as she spoke between planting kisses. She was really quite forward, not bothering to disguise her intentions. Generally it was the other way around.

"Everyone wants me, love," I said with a smirk.

"I need you," she practically pleaded, undoing the top button of my shirt.

Despite how hot she was, I wasn't going to do anything with her. She was too forward. Her outfit left nothing to the imagination, so it's not like whatever I'd be unwrapping would be a surprise. She was like a candy store - everything that's nice is out in the open for you to see. I know most guys would've jumped at the chance, but I did actually have standards.

"And I need to be going," I said, removing myself from her grip.

"You can't be serious," she pouted, "I thought we had something."

I searched over her shoulder, looking for Alex. He must've seen the look in my eyes because he broke away from the guys he was talking to to come over.

"Hey hotstuff," Alex said as he came over, slapping my ass for good measure. Oh God, of course he would think that this is a good escape plan.

"Hey, uh, babycakes," I said, giving him a wide eyed look.

The blonde murmured something about going to get a drink before practically running away.

"Babycakes? That's really the best you could come up with?" He asked,  shaking his head.

"You slapped my ass, I couldn't think! By the way, nice plan," I said sarcastically.

"It worked, did it not?"

I just shook my head in dismay. Alex Grey, you are one annoying son of a bitch.


"Another round for me and my friends!" Alex called to the bar man. By 'friends' he meant me and a few guys we'd met earlier in the night.  I can't remember how long ago we'd left the pool hall for this dinghy bar called Night Owl, or how many drinks I'd had in these past few hours. They didn't care if you were underage, as

Another round was poured and we all cheered, tapping our glasses together, causing the contents to slosh over onto our hands. I downed my beer, letting the ice cold liquid warm my chest from the inside out. I liked the feeling. It was like a tiny little heater in my chest cavity.

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