• Fifteen - This Isn't Love •

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"Where do you think you're going?" he asked, his voice deep and low as if he were growling like a dog.

"I was j-just going out," I stuttered, unable to hide my fear.

"I have barely seen you lately," his voice was still dangerously low, and his lips curled around his teeth as if he were brandishing them like weapons.

"I-I've been busy," I stammered, taking a step back as he took an even larger one forward. My back hit the door.

"Really?" He asked, cocking his head to one side. "It seems as though you've been avoiding me - barely coming home after school, and always staying at your friends'. It's enough to have any parent worried."

I eyed him as he pushed the sleeves of his dress shirt up. Obviously he'd been somewhere this morning already, he had deep blue tailored slacks on, and a tie hung loose around his neck.

"And even if it didn't have me worried, it's enough to punish you for."

"Please," I pleaded as he took the thick leather belt from around his waist, "please don't do this. Y-you don't need to." I felt betrayed by my voice, by my weakness.

"I've always told you this is for your own good, haven't I, Avery? This is so you learn from your mistakes." He held the belt firmly in his fist, ready to use it.

"Mum wouldn't w-want you t-to."

"Don't you dare bring her into this! She left us."

"She didn't leave us, dad. She killed herself. They're d-different."

"Shut your fucking mouth!" He roared at me, striking me with the buckled end of the belt.

Pain seared through my arm, and I could feel a welt rising. Tears welled at my eyes, I just felt so fucking defenseless, so fucking weak.

"You know what happens when you talk back, Avery. You're meant to respect your elders." He reared back his arm and I braced myself for what I knew was coming.




It took twenty minutes of standing outside the library alone for me to realize that he wasn't coming. I should've known he'd do this, I should've known.

I almost started crying right there in the street because I just so desperately wanted him to not have stood me up. Even though I was initially angry this morning, I was looking forward to seeing him. Despite how annoying he was, he made me smile like a goofball even when I was upset in the weekend.

I was just so angry for myself for thinking that he was any different from the guy that I'd met that first day in the park. He'd probably done this for fun, as a way to get my hopes up just to leave me hanging.

"Ebony?" A voice pulled me from my pity party, and I turned around. Tasha was standing there, looking as perfect as she did in the weekend. "What are you doing here?"

"Avery was meant to meet me," I answered, giving her an half-assed smile.

"Oh, when?" Her smile was a lot more genuine than mine.

"Over twenty minutes ago," I murmered, looking at the ground.

"Really?" She sounded shocked, I don't know why though. "Hmm... Have you tried calling him?"

"Three times, it just goes straight to answer phone."

"Look, hun. I'm sure he has a good reason. He's not the type of person to go back on his word."

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