• Twenty Four - Missing Friend Pt.1 •

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"Avery Steel please report to the office with your belongings right away, thank you."

I perked up at the sound of my name coming through the tinny-sounding loud speaker, mentally rattling through the list of things I could've done. Everyone looked at me expectantly, so I grabbed my bag and went.

As I made my way to the office I thought - I hadn't smoked in weeks, turned up to majority of my classes, followed all of the curfew rules, hadn't been in any fights - I was at a loss as to why I was being summoned.

As I entered the office, though, my blood chilled, the reason becoming achingly clear.

"Long time no see, son."

My father was here, and if looks could kill, I'd be dead already.

"Come on son, let's go somewhere," he said menacingly.

I looked the office lady for help but she was busy gazing longingly at my father. If only she knew.

Reluctantly, I followed him.

When we were outside and out of view he pushed my shoulder hard into the wall. Pinning me, he dug his fingers into my collar-bone.

"Call for help and I'll make you wish you were dead," he said, snarling in my ear like a dog.

"Bit late for that, isn't it?" I spat at him.

He smacked my head into the wall.

"Don't talk to me like that. I am your father and I demand your respect!" His iron grip on my shoulder tightened, causing it tp throb even more. It was bearable though. I'd had worse.

"What do you even want? Why are you here?"

"I'm here because you left. I'm taking you out this school and you're coming back home. I never gave you permission to stay here."

"You call that a home?" I spat at him. "A home is where you're meant to feel sa-"

His fist flew into my gut before I could finish, causing me to fold in half like a deck chair.

"Fuck up you miserable little swine! Get up off the ground now or I swear to god I will beat you even more than I already plan to."

I was blazing with hatred as I picked myself up. The only thing stronger than fear is anger.

"I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Yes. you. are."

"Or what?" I demanded. Man, was I sick of his shit. "There's nothing you can do that you haven't already done. Just kill me already, or I swear to god I will do it myself."

"Don't you dare talk like that. Now you will come with me or I will call my whole fucking bodyguard service to drag you to the car!"

I looked around for one of his henchmen, but even if I did they wouldn't help me. They only take orders from him, and he payed too handsomely for them to not listen. Sick bastards.

"Don't even bother trying to look for help," he said, guessing my intentions. "No one is here to save you. No one will ever save you. Haven't you learnt that yet? Without me you're on your own."

I thought of all the people who were as good as family. I wasn't on my own, he was.

"What?" He asked. "You don't have anything smart to say?"

I shook my head. Let him think he's won.

"Good." He yanked my arm, practically pulling it from its socket. "Now move and don't stop until we reach the car."

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