• Two - God-Like When Naked •

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The weekend went achingly slow what with mom away and dad at work most of the time. My parents are very busy people for the most part - he's a lawyer and is working on a really big case at the moment, while mom's a real estate agent and travels a lot, trying to find ideal properties the company can invest in.

By the time Monday morning finally arrived, I was eager to return to school. Like usual, I woke up at 6 am and then showered, brushed my teeth and let my long, dark hair air dry while I continued with my morning routine. After pulling on my stiff, scratchy uniform I collected my books and bag from the corner of my bedroom and descended downstairs to the kitchen.

Dad was leaning on the counter, his hair sticking up every which way, with half of a plain, toasted bagel in one hand, and yesterday's paper in the other. He looked up  as I entered the room, and I instantly noticed the large, purple half-moons under his eyes - my father looked positively exhausted.

"You're up early" he remarked, pointing to the digital clock on the old gas stove - 6:30 it read, blinking red every two seconds for some unknown reason that predated me. 

Like most issues in the Smoke family, we just accepted it as a way of life instead of getting to the root of the problem.

"Couldn't sleep," I mumbled, brushing a stray strand of hair from my face. My damn hair could go from Pantene ad-worthy waves to a sparrow's nest in approximately 0.2 seconds.

"Want one?" He asked, gesturing to a second toasted bagel sitting on the worn-out wooden cutting board.

"Sure," I said, giving him a rare smile. "I'll throw some cream cheese on it."

It's not that I was moody and never smiled or anything - it's just that my home environment made me feel less than welcome a lot of the time, and my parents? It's as if they are strangers  half the time.

"Do you want me to drop you to the academy?" He asked, taking another bite from his bagel. "I mean, I'm already up and I don't have to be at the office until 9 am, well, I could use an extra hour on the case, but if you want me to then I -"

"Dad," I said, cutting him off. "It's fine, really. I'll just take the bus."

"Oh, okay then," He said, obviously glad about being let of the hook. "Well, it was nice seeing you this morning."

I nodded, and turned to walk out the door, bagel in hand. I didn't mind eating on the way bus stop, I liked being early for things.

"Hey Ebony -" He called out behind me.

I turned, and he just nodded his head.

"I'm sorry about this weekend and how I wasn't around much."

"It's fine dad, really." I skipped back inside and gave him a quick hug. "I'm used to it."

"Look, how about we go out to dinner on Friday? You, me, and mom. It can be your choice?" He suggested, giving me an unsure smile.

"Yeah... I think that'd be nice" I said, nodding. "Well, I best be going now."

"Have a good week."

"Okay, dad, you too."

"I - I love you Ebony, you know that right?" 

I nodded. 

"Love you too dad." 


I looked at my watch as I arrived at the bus stop - thirty minutes until it was due to arrive at 7:15, so I pulled out my book, sat down on the bench, and finished my bagel. 

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