Chap 12

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Wow another chapter released its GOOOOOO!


The Gaang had now moved to a different location; they were situated at a waterfall pond, and since the last stop (Y/N) had a long think about how she felt and had a talk with Sokka.


(Y/N) was up late and Sokka sat next to her as they looked at the stars together "Hey (Y/N) you know what is the relationship between you and Toph? It's kinda confusing honestly." She sighed and looked at Sokka and said "I don't know I just feel so weird around her, I mean I kinda always have but it hasn't been this present before" Sokka looked at her and then started listing symptoms to which every answer was a yes, he just laughed and said "I knew it, (Y/N) you have a crush on Toph" (Y/N) stared at him and smiled saying "OHHHH! That makes so much sense" She smiled and hugged Sokka, he hugged back and laughed saying " You know me, Katara and Aang already knew right? It was pretty obvious" "Really?" He nodded and rubbed her head to which (Y/N) just laughed.

-Flashback over-

Currently Sokka was on dry land just looking at him map trying to find the best way to get to Ba Sing Se, Toph was dangling her feet in the water swishing it around and Katara was standing by the waterfall while (Y/N) was swimming as well but stayed around where Toph was. Aang went under the water for a moment and bent an ice cube around himself, then suddenly Katara jumped in the water saying "WATER BENDING BOMB!!" Aang was flown out of the water and landed breaking his ice prison, while in the process Soaking (Y/N), Toph, Sokka and the maps which Sokka tried to protect. Emphasis on tried.

(Y/N) laughed saying "careful, you might put out my flame." She firebent a small fire which quickly went out, Toph splashed some water on top of her which made her sizzle and have steam come off her " I might be too hot to handle" Toph rolled her eyes and pushed her under water saying " Sure you are, who could every handle such a wild and unpredictable flame" the whole sentence laced with sarcasm. (Y/N) came up and smiled at Toph sweetly and pushed her over, to which Toph laughed and said "Don't make me come in there" To which (Y/N) said "You can't swim so I have nothing to fear" Toph just pushed her back down looking away laughing.

Sokka was scolding Katara about soaking the map, the three were talking about how they were going to get to Ba Sing Se with Sokka explaining " we just got out of the desert, so we must be around here. And we need to go to Ba Sing Se, which is here. It looks like the only passage connecting the south to the north is this sliver of land called the Serpent's Pass." With Toph looking a little concerned saying "You sure that's the best way to go?" Sokka sighed and said "It's the only way to go. I mean. We don't have Appa to fly on '' Katara gave him a glare and said quietly "Shush up about Appa. Can't you at least try to be sensitive?" Aang gave her a smile basically telling her that it was okay and he wanted to focus on telling the Earth king the news. (Y/N) smiled and said "That's a very good mindset to have Aang, I'm glad you can focus on the task at hand. And we all promise to look for Appa while we do"

The Gaang got ready and Sokka said " Then to Ba SIng Se we go. No more distractions" They began walking and soon they ran into some travelers, they all smiled and said "Hello there fellow Refugees" (Y/N) smiled and with everyone else greeted them, and Aang said "You guys are headed to Ba Sing Se as well?" One answered saying "Sure are. We're trying to get there before my wife Ying has her baby." Katara smiled excitedly saying "Great then we can travel through the Serpent's pass together" To which the three refugees looked shocked saying "The Serpent's pass? Only the truly desperate take that deadly route" Toph then sarcastically says punching Sokka's arms hard "Deadly route huh? Great pick, Sokka!" Sokka rubbed his arm and responded with "Well we ARE desperate" The travelers suggested coming to Full Moon Bay which was where all refugees took ferries to Ba Sing Se and was set up since the war started, So of course the group walked with them towards Full Moon Bay and (Y/N) said "I bet we could have still survived the Serpent's pass" Toph laughed and said "Really now, you wanna go there by yourself. Be my guest" She laughed and flicked the side of her head to which Toph punched her arm.

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