Chap 34

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Yo what's up my homies, this chap is a bit earlier than usual but I don't care here you go byeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

I also have a prediction that there will be a lot of comments on one single paragraph, because of one line.....Yeah I know.


Appa had to land since he got tired of carrying everyone, so now everyone was walking, (Y/N) was walking up front in a little pain since Katara really helped with healing her burn. She was walking with Toph as she heard the rest of the group talking about how embarrassing losing to the fire nation was.

(Y/N) sighed softly and bumped slightly against Toph gaining her attention "What's up?" She asked questioningly, (Y/N) smiled and said "Well I just wanna talk with you ya know, I'm kinda bored" Toph shrugged and went silent again. She then suddenly asked "When did you get that knife? I could tell you had it hidden from us, well them cause you know, Metalbending" SHe pleased a small grin on her face causing (Y/N) to roll her eyes and playfully punch her arm "I get it, no need to brag you goof". The two laughed softly together.

(Y/N) eventually stopped along with Toph and answered the pondered question "Well when we were helping Sokka and we went shopping, it's really cool it can almost cut through fire" Toph smiled and grabbed (Y/N)'s hand softly, lacing their fingers together. (Y/N) smiled seeing that Toph had gotten better with PDA, while in small amounts it was still nice she felt comfortable enough to. Small things like hand holding, flirting and a kiss on the cheek would be the most she'd go for now.

Suddenly Toph stopped and stomped her foot on the ground, as her smile widened "Hey, we're here! I can feel it!" The whole group looked forward and towards a large cliff with a giant drop, (Y/N) looked a little confused as Katara commented "Uhhh ... I think your feet need their eyes checked." Toph 'looked' back towards Katara and said "Are you questioning my Earthbending skills?" To which Katara rolled her eyes, but before another fight could break out Aang commented that they actually were there and that the air temple was underneath the cliff.

Everyone hopped onto Appa and he quickly flew down to the stunning Air temple, it was grown over by nature and some buildings were corroded away, but other than that it was in very good condition. They landed and (Y/N) helped the kid in the wheelchair get down before looking around a little, the three who weren't part of the main five ran off to explore. Aang tried to join but Katara quickly stopped as the Gaang sat down in a circle to discuss their next move.

(Y/N) sat next to Toph who was ofcourse sitting on the biggest and tallest Stone, Aang then asked "So what's the plan?" Sokka who had his arms crossed answered plain and simply "Well, if you ask me, the new plan is the old plan! You just need to master all four elements and confront the Fire Lord before the comet comes. Luckily we have our firebending teacher right here." The whole group looks to (Y/N).

She sighed and said "Look guys, I'm happy to teach Aang but I don't know much about firebending and he needs to master it. So there's only so much I can do" She looked down but Katara was quick to lift her spirits "Don't worry (Y/N), I think you're pretty great anyways" (Y/N) sighed and laid back "Is there anyone else who could do it?, Are there any firebenders who don't want to kill us?" The group sat there in thought before Katara brought up someone named Jeong Jeong but that idea was quickly shot down, leaving Toph and (Y/N) a little confused.

(Y/N) sighed as she jumped down, Aang tried to get out of the conversation but lucking (Y/N) stopped him and said "Oh no you don't I'm teaching you some basics today". Aang groaned and walked with her to a secluded area, She sat down with Aang in front of her saying "So when it comes to firebending, while it may look easy to bend fire is wild and unpredictable that is why most other elements beat it. But firebending isn't just another thing you can do, it is an extension of your body, mind and soul."

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