Chap 36

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Hey just reminding y'all of my second book Blah Blah Blah here it is:

Lin Beifong x Fem Reader [Heart of Metal]

But anyways enjoy the chap, it's a fluffy chap with a little spice. But just a little. I know some people have been waiting for this. Yeah I'm looking at you. You know who you are.


The Gaang was still at the Western air temple now everyone was just doing their own things, it had been a day since the three of them had returned from their adventure, so (Y/N) was of course still trying to get some rest after that. But currently was talking with Zuko, ever since they met the sun warriors they had been bonding a little more.

The two would walk around the place commenting on some things, he would tell (Y/N) about fire nation culture and also even teach her some stuff, which she happily accepted. (Y/N) was just happy that she had someone to talk about the fire nation about and just learn about her culture.

It seemed everyone noticed them bonding and getting closer, especially Toph who currently was leaning against a wall looking in the direction of the two with arms crossed and a small glare. Which definitely didn't go unnoticed by the original Gaang while (Y/N) and Zuko stayed absolutely clueless.

Currently Aang and Katara were sitting next to each other with sokka leaning against a Rock all of them looking at Toph "So...looks like Toph's not having a fun time" Sokka said while laughing softly, Aang hummed in agreement suggesting "I think I can guess why". Automatically all three looked over at the firebending duo who were currently talking with (Y/N) leaning close to him out of pure engagement. But of course the others didn't know that.

The group all silently agreed that they needed to help Toph because if not either Zuko would be dead on the spot or something would happen to them, so Katara was the first to walk over to Toph who was fuming some much you could almost see the steam coming from her ears "You okay Toph?" she asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. The blind earthbender shrugged her hand off and said "Oh yeah, Totally~" with sarcasm laced in her voice.

Katara sighed and said "are you jealous Toph?" to which Toph pushed her away Yelling "I am not!!"This made Aang and Sokka come over with both having a sort of smirk on, Sokka slinked his arm around Toph saying "Listen you can tell us, we can help you get her back". This made Toph stop and think for a second before still pushing Sokka off saying "I don't need your help, I told you I'm fine".

She quickly walked away but was caught but Aang saying "Wait Toph can you atleast talk about it, it's only going to get worse if you don't", he seems genuinely concerned but Toph ignored it pulling her arm back and walking away once more.

She headed to one of the further buildings and just sat down looking towards the cliffside, with a small sigh she leaned back slightly until she felt some footsteps. It wasn't one of her friends but it was that guy named Haru, she raised an eyebrow as he sat by her "Who says you could sit here". He let out a hearty laugh causing Toph to smile a little, Haru looked at her saying "I saw you walking over here, are you okay?".

Toph stiffened a little at the question but slowly let out a sigh leaning a little more back "Okay listen, I don't like talking about my feelings but I'm going to tell you cause I expect that you wont give me pity." Haru let out a grunt and a small nod which made Toph turn her head the other way "Fine but you better not tell anyone, or you're going right over the cliffside." Haru smiled and laughed a little "I promise". Toph's eyebrows furrowed as she felt him lying, she scoffed and looked towards him with an annoyed face " You're lying, did Katara, Sokka and Aang set you up to this!!".

Toph x Fem Reader [Do it for her]Where stories live. Discover now