Chap 9

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So uploads will be less frequent since everything is back on for me but don't worry I'll keep uploading, this is officially my biggest book  to date and I'm so glad people enjoy my writing.


As the Gaang stood in the middle of the Desert with no Appa in sight Aang angrily walked up to Toph,(Y/N) standing behind her knowing something was about to go down "How could you let them take Appa! Why didn't you stop them!?" He yelled at Toph enraged, (Y/N) quickly came to her defence only to be cut off by Toph herself "I couldn't! The library was sinking! And you guys were-" Aang cuts her off looking even more Enraged "You could've come to get us! I could have saved him!!" he basically yelled at this point (Y/N) was about to jump in again but Toph placed a hand on her shoulder giving her the look that means ' calm down I've got this' and so (Y/N) backed off.

Aang eventually accused everyone of only caring for themselves and that's the point where (Y/N) snapped at him "Just because we lost Appa doesn't give YOU the right to blame everyone, We all care about him but you're acting like you're five. Grow up" she poked a finger at him, Katara stepped in between them "Aang, (Y/N) stop it. Toph did all she could, she saved our lives" (Y/N) was about to comment again but Toph stopped her saying "Enough (Y/N), you need to calm down" and with (Y/N) backing off, Aang had flown off Katara trying to call out to him.

(Y/N) was still a bit mad crossing her arms, Toph sighed and said " (Y/N) don't make me do it" Immediately (Y/N) froze, she knew exactly what Toph meant and said "Alright alright!, don't be that drastic" Sokka looked confused at their interactions but shrugged it off, (Y/N) was still a little spooked at what Toph said, Toph knew it was her weakness and often used it against her when needed "We'd better start walking. We're the only people who know about the solar eclipse. We have to get that information to Ba Sing Se." Katara said as everyone began to start walking. Sokka made a small comment on Digging out the owl and asking if he would give them a ride, but then the idea was immediately shot down by everyone.

After seemingly a couple hours of walking the team was dehydrated and tired, Sokka had Momo covering his head from the sun and suddenly bumped into Toph "Can't you watch where you're...." He noticed it was Toph and she responded in a monotone voice "No" "Right. Sorry" They continued to walk and Katara tried to encourage everyone "Come on we've got to stick together" Sokka's clothes stuck to Toph's and could only unstick by pushing her away making her trip a little right into (Y/N), saying "oh you okay" "just. perfect" she said with slight sarcasm still being stuck to Sokka, "If i sweat anymore I don't think sticking together will be a problem" Sokka said as an irritated Toph put a hand on Sokka's face and pushed him to the ground unsticking them both.

(Y/N) then asked Katara "Can we have some water my mouth must be as dry as the sand right now" she was on the brink of just collapsing right there "Okay, but we have to conserve it", Katara bended four blobs of water and sent it into their mouths. Sokka swiggedit around his mouth and said "We're drinking your bending water, You used this on that swamp guy. Gross" He swallowed and Toph pointed out "It does taste Swampy".

Katara sighed and said "sorry it's all we have". (Y/N) flopped on the floor tired from the traveling and from dehydration, but then Sokka said excitedly "Not anymore! Look!" Sokka pointed towards a cactus walking over to it and cutting off the top with his blade, he happily drank the fluids from it and so did Momo." Sokka, wait! You shouldn't be eating strange plants!" Katara grabbed (Y/N)'s and Toph's arms, basically dragging (Y/N) who was laying on the floor half asleep at this point towards Sokka who offered some cactus juice to Katara who declined quite quickly.

Sokka excitedly drank the water in the cactus " Suit yourself. It's very thirst quenching though" he had cactus juice dripping from his chin, Sokka's pupils dilated and he shook his head randomly. "Drink cactus juice, It'll quench ya! Nothing's quenchier." He crawls over the ground as a caterpillar before jumping back up, pushing his face toward the girls with a big smile. "It's the quenchiest!" Katara then took the cactus away from Sokka and was about to pour it before (Y/N) snached it and drank the whole thing saying "So. thirsty" "(Y/N)!!!!" Katara yelled as (Y/N) looked over at the girls saying "Who lit Toph on fire?" with genuine confusion, Momo had landed face first in the sand. "Can I have some cactus juice? Have any left over (Y/N)?"

Katara then wrapped an arm around her shoulders saying "I don't think that's a good idea. Come on, we need to find Aang." (Y/N) just looked at Katara glaring at her saying "Get off her, she's mineeeeee" she stood up pushing Katara a little to the side and just hugging Toph who was trying to hold back her laughs, they continued to walk (Y/N) staying close to Toph and Katara laughing to herself about the ordeal. Sokka not far behind just following them with Momo in Katara's arms and Sokka all of a sudden saying "How did we get to the middle of the ocean?" "Yeah how did we" (Y/N) adds on looking around confused. Suddenly there was a large cloud looking like a mushroom, everyone looking over at it "What is that" Katara asked looking up at the cloud, Toph looking very confused "What?, what is what?" she looked around. Sokka then said excitedly "It's a giant mushroom! Maybe it's friendly?!" He grinned as Katara said "Let's keep moving, we need to find Aang" But Sokka was already worshiping the mushroom with (Y/N) wanting to join in but was still hanging onto Toph, "Friendly mushroom! Mushy giant friend!" Sokka said while waving his arms back and forth.

-Time skip-

It was nearly twilight and the group was walking single file, as a shadow passed over them Aang landed behind them kicking up a small bit of sand "I'm sorry, Aang. I know it's hard for you right now but ... we need to focus on getting out of here" She put a comforting hand on his shoulder and yet he pulled away, "What's the difference? We won't survive without Appa. We all know it." Aang said hopelessly looking at the floor but Katara tried to encourage Aang "Come on, Aang. We can do this if we work together. Right Toph? (Y/N)?" (Y/N) just gave a thumbs up not really knowing what Katara said "As far as I can feel, we're trapped in a giant bowl of sand pudding. I got nothin'." Toph said, shrugging a little.

Katara then looked at Sokka who was laying on the ground in a starfish position "Sokka? Any ideas how to find Ba Sing Se?" She asked, hoping the effects of the Cactus juice had worn off so it would make him think more clearly, he pointed at the sky and said "Why don't we ask the circle birds?" he was smiling having his arms reaching for the sky as the Buzzard wasps circled above their heads, Aang was sitting down sulking and Toph was now trying to get (Y/N) off of her sick of the clinginess "(Y/N) I said get off!!" (Y/N) didn't budge so Toph resorted to just pushing her down to the floor like she had done with Sokka.

Katara, now annoyed at everyone having basically given up at this point grabbed her head and said "Ugh ... We're getting out of this desert, and we're going to do it together! Aang, get up. Everybody, hold hands. We can do this. We have to." Everyone got up holding hands as they crossed the desert and after awhile of traveling Katara said the words everyone had been looking forward to "I think we should stop for the night" Everyone just floods to the ground with a sigh and (Y/N) said "Well I'm going to sleep and if anyone wakes me I'll be sure to burn you to a crisp before the sun does" She laid down in a comfortable position, everyone too tired to even process the empty threat (Y/N) made.

Toph then asks if Katara had any more water and of course at that moment everyone realised how thirsty they were, Katara nodded and began bending the water "This is the last of it. Everyone can have a little drink." As Sokka and (Y/N) crawl closer Momo took a leap at the water knocking it into the sand "Momo, no! You've killed us all!" He said dramatically looking at the spot as (Y/N) just accepted her fate, but luckily Katara bended the water from the sand calmly putting it back in the pouch "Oh right water bender" Sokka said a little embarrassed as Katara handed Toph the pouch which she drank from and then handed it to (Y/N) and so on.

The group went on about getting to Ba Sing Se and traveling at nighttime when it's at it's coolest but (Y/N) was too tired to listen to them, they all agreed to sleep now and walk in a couple hours. (Y/N) was half asleep next to Toph who was just looking at her even if she coldnt see, just remembering about the incident about the cactus juice. Katara scooched over to Toph and said "Sooo about (Y/N) thing you liked it didn't you" she said with a grin which Toph looked away and said "N-no I'm use to that stuff you know,she was my protector and servant back home" Katara laughed a little and said "Ohhh really well, if my suspicious we're correct you like her-" she was cut shirt with a punch to the arm "Shut up" Toph said laying down and Katara giggled.....

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