Chap 8

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Okay how is everyone today just wanna know, I've been listening to Cell block Tango on loop for an hour probably while writing this chapter.  

So tell me what your favourite song and also wanna know if anyone knows the band Set It Off? and what your favourite band/singer is.


Today the Gaang were all having mini 'vacations' and the first to pick was of course Aang, they all flew of a mountainous range with Sokka up the back with Katara, Toph on the side hanging onto the saddle and (Y/N) on the other side just looking out at the view. Everyone had a small chat before they landed in front of a bunch of holes. Everyone stood behind Aang who had a flute in his hands "So What's out here?" Sokka asked not very impressed, Toph puts her hand on the ground "Actually. There are hundreds of little-" Aang quickly cuts her off "Shhh I know you can see underground, but don't ruin the surprise", (Y/N) laughed a little and said " I thought Toph was blind" She poked a little fun which Toph responded with a punch to the arm "OW!"

Aang blew a note on the flute and a groundhog like creature pops up out of the hole and mimics the note before hiding again in the hole, this continues until Sokka had enough and said with an annoyed expression "This is great and all, but don't we have more important things to worry about? We should be making plans." "We DID make plans. We're all picking mini vacations" Toph comments crossing her arms "There's no time" Sokka says to the group still a little annoyed, Aang interjects with "I'm learning the elements as fast as I can. I practice hard every day with Toph and Katara. I've been training my arrow off! and (Y/N) says she will teach me the basics of firebending soon" (Y/N) nods "Yeah Sokka what's the harm of a couple days off"

(Y/N) chuckled and Sokka turned to her "Even if you do master all of the elements, then what? It's not like we have a map of the Fire Nation. Should we just head west until we reach the Fire Lord's house? Knock, knock. Hello, Fire Lord? Anybody home? I don't think so. We need some intelligence if we're going to win this war" Sokka ranted on as Aang played another note and the Groundhog popped up under Sokka and sang the note.

Katara came up with a compromise "All right, we'll finish our vacation and then we'll look for Sokka's intelligence" she said the last bit mockingly which made everyone laugh, Aang rolled out a map "Okay Katara, your turn. Where would you like to go on your mini-vacation" Katara looked over the map and picked a place to head to which was called 'Misty Palms Oasis'


They had arrived at the Misty Palms Oasis and met a Professor from Ba Sing Se looking for an ancient Library and of course Sokka had the great idea of helping him find it as his mini vacation, Toph looked at Sokka and said "Uh. Hey what about me and (Y/N) when do we get to pick" to which Sokka responded with "You two gotta work here longer to qualify for vacation time" Toph slammed the drink she had on a table and crossed her arms while (Y/N) rolled her eyes. So now for the past couple hours they had been flying in the blistering heat, (Y/N) decided to just read a book while waiting since they were heading to a library. Toph then yelled "There it is!" she pointed out to the middle of nowhere and everyone fell for it and they all gave Toph a glare. "That's what it will sound like when one of you spots it." she waved a hand in front of her face and (Y/N) laughed a little rolling her eyes "you just had to didn't you" she commented making Toph smirk "Yeah"

Eventually they found a tower sticking up in the middle of nowhere and Appa flies down next to it "This isn't it the tower in the drawing is HUGE" Katara said looking at the drawing, In the distance (Y/N) spotted a fox with a scroll in its mouth "Hey Professor is that one of the knowledge seekers?" He looked up as the fox climbed up the tower and entered through the window "Yes! That means the Library is close!" he got excited smiling widely, when Sokka interjects and says "No, this IS the Library" he pointed at the top if the drawing and the tower matched up perfectly "It's completely buried" (Y/N) added.

The professor shouts dramatically about how his life's work was buried in sand and then began 'excavating' with a tiny shovel, Toph put her hand on the tower and said "No need the library is intact and huge" Sokka suggested that we follow where the foxy went through Toph offered to stay behind which at first Katara was a little confused "What you got something against libraries?" Toph crossed her arms "Well I've held books before, doesn't really do it for me" "Oh" Katara said a little Embarrassed "let me know if they have anything to listen to" Toph said leaning against the tower, (Y/N) stood next to her and said "Why don't I get a book and I can read it to you" Toph seemed to entertain the idea and nodded "sure better be interesting though or i'll just fall asleep" (Y/N) nodded and smiled softly.

They climbed up the rope and headed down to the large library, looking around amazed at the architecture. Suddenly there was a Giant owl in front of them, the professor introduced himself and the Owl threatened him "You should leave the way you came. Unless you want to become a stuffed head of anthropology." They all looked at a wall of stuffed animal heads, Sokka asked the owl "Are you the spirit who brought this library to the physical world?" The owl elegantly nodded and replied with " Indeed, I am Wan Shi Tong, "He Who Knows Ten Thousand Things." And you are obviously humans, which, by the way, are no longer permitted in my study."

To try and convince the Owl to let them to get the info they needed Sokka played the Avatar card and that they came here just for knowledge's sake "I just want a book to read to my blind friend" (Y/N) interjected and the Owl bent down to her level and just looked at her. "Hmm I guess you could pursue my vast library of knowledge on one condition, you contribute some worthwhile knowledge" (Y/N) looked around her bag and pulled out a very old book saying " it's an old diary of a General of the Earthkingdom, it has many war strategies and i've been wanting for it to be kept safe so I think this is a well pace to store it" The owl nodded and said "Your donation is gratefully accepted, the non-fiction section is right over there" he pointed a claw over in a general direction and (Y/N) thanked him.

(Y/N) scoured the shelves having a couple good contenders but it was hard to choose which one, but eventually she found one called 'The Tale of Time' about a young Earthbender who found himself in a alternate universe where time was non existent and had to find his way back home to his partner. (Y/N) being happy with her choice walked out of the section and walked around trying to find the Gaang, she ran into the Owl and he looked at her selection "Ahh you have a very good taste in books, I hope your friend enjoys this one" (Y/N) held the book close and put it in her bag "thank you for lending me this book Wan Shi Tong" He merely nodded and then left. Then suddenly everything began to rumble and sand pile in.

Meanwhile with Toph she was just talking with Appa since she was kinda lonely "I told you Appa I don't wanna snuggle, there is only one person that I will cuddle with and that is (Y/N)" she crossed her arms Appa roared in her directions and said as if he was answering "No I don't like hr what do you mean" she mumbled blushing a little. Suddenly the tower began sinking and she ran towards it punching both fists in slowing the descent of the tower.

Suddenly sandbenders came and began rounding up Appa which Toph tried to stop but it was either save Appa or her friends and she couldn't do both so she reluctantly had to let the Sandbenders take Appa to keep the tower from sinking "Stop Sinking!!!' she yelled, Suddenly everyone jumped out of the window and all landed in the sand, Toph let go of the tower it sinking all the way into the sand it never to be seen again. Sokka celebrated about getting the date to the day of Black sun, Toph was curled in a ball and (Y/N) scrambled over to her and said "Hey you okay Toph?!". Aang then asked Toph "Where's Appa" Toph shook her head sadly and Aang began to cry a little while (Y/N) tried to consol Toph......

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