Little Cheater

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(an: if you wanna be friends my Twitter is @amayac516! and would just like to say it was really weird not waking up and writing a chapter. missed it lol. also the fluff said 'imma head out' sorry😬)

Third POV

"Thank you so much! I promise I'll be back to pick him up at 6." Jungkook exclaimed as he was about to leave.

"Daddy!" Jimin whined and attached himself to the olders legs. He didn't want him to go. Jungkook let out a cute laugh and patted his head.

"Baby please I have to go." He pleaded and Jimin shook his head. The scene was all too familiar. Jimins separation issues are still pretty apparent.

"Please Minnie go too." He begged and Jungkook shook his head now.

"I need to go talk to Tae babe. I love you but I have to go." He kissed the youngers head before picking him up and placing him on the couch.

"Thanks again Jisoo!" He yelled before speedily making his way to the door and out of the house.

"Aw Jiminie..." She pouted with his as his bottom lip started to quiver. His eyes were watery and Jisoo knew exactly what was about to happen.

"Wahhh!" Jimin cried out loudly.

"Hey Jimin baby it's okay." She tried to calm him but her efforts were unsuccessful.

"No I want daddy! Where's daddy?" He yelled again and wouldn't stop crying.

This is gonna be a long day.... Jisoo thought to herself.
The raven sat in his car for 20 minutes debating whether to knock on his bestfriends door or not. Tae asked him to come over to just talk and everything about it seemed wrong. Something seemed off. When he finally decided to get out and knock he noticed the taller male had been standing there the whole time.

"Oh! T-Tae." He sheepishly scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Hey Jungkook-Ah." He almost whispered and invited the younger in. They sat on the living room and no one spoke. It was quiet and it annoyed Jungkook.

"So you wanted to talk." He started to conversation since Tae clearly wasn't going to.

"I did." He coyly stated.

"Tae enough games. What do you want?" The raven asked and rolled his eyes.

"Look like I've said before... I like you. Well love you. And I know you're with Jimin. I know you picked him already but I just need to know why? Why didn't you at least give me a chance?" He asked with genuine curiosity. The younger wasn't surprised by the question. To be honest he was getting quite fed up with Tae.

"Dude I've told you. I have Jimin. I love him." He claimed and huffed. Tae is never going to understand where he's coming from.

"Okay." He paused.

"What if Jimin wasn't in the picture. If you never even met him. Would you date me?" He asked and Jungkook gulped. He's never thought about it.

"Um.. I don't know. N-no." He said flushed and it made Tae smile.

"Aw look how shy you got. Does Jungkookie have a crush on me?" He said cutely and the younger blushed even harder.

"S-stop Tae. No. I would never do that to Jimin." He closed his eyes in frustration. Taes trying to fuck with his head.

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