Little Apologies

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Jimin POV

Couple minutes before....

I was on the phone with Jungkook basically listening to him apologize for being dumb. Again. Though I was being quite dramatic myself I still wanted to make him worry. He deserves it.

"I love you." I heard him whisper into the phone. I'm mean.

"I love you-" I quickly ended the call to make it seem like the line went out.

Not even a minute later he called me again. I smirked at the caller ID. Me not being in the mood to answer him ignored it. Now time for some fun. I grabbed my phone and called a person I knew wouldn't tell Jungkook where I was.

"Lisa." I called.

"Oh! Jiminie! How are you cutie?" She asked excitedly.

"I'm really good. Look I'm planning something for Jungkookie. Can you help?" I questioned and she didn't answer for a second.

"What time?" I looked at my watch to see it was only 2 something.

"How about like 3?" She agreed and I hung up.

I'm starting to feel bad because Jungkook seems worried. Like really worried. Now I'm afraid to go back. If he finds out this was to mess with him, he'll be so mad at me. I sighed and sat in the car until it was time for me to pick Lisa up.

(time skip to when Jimin gets home bc I'm lazzzyyy)

I hesitantly opened the door and heard hurried footsteps coming towards me.

"Jimin!" Jungkook yelled and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Baby what happened to you?" I could feel his tears on my shoulder and I instantly regretted it.

"I was out with Lisa. I'm sorry." I tried and he scoffed.

"Out with Lisa! Why didn't you tell me? I was worried sick for you!" He raised his voice but not too much.

"I know and I'm sorry. I was mad and wanted you to worry. It was stupid and I won't do it again." I explained and he shook his head. I saw his frown quickly turn into a devilish grin.

"Minnie, it's been quite awhile." Jungkooks voice deepened.

"Since w-what?" I started to stutter.

"Since I've punished you." The words alone made me slip into little space.

"Daddy! No punish Minnie! Please." I cried and he laughed. "Why laugh?" I asked and he just laughed harder.

"You're so gullible Min." He smirked and I realized he was joking. "I was mad and wanted you to worry." He mocked me in a childish tone.

"You're mean daddy!" I yelled and jumped onto him. Our bodies fell on the ground as we laughed.

"So you're not mad at daddy anymore?" He asked and I shook my head. I overreacted. "Good." He stated and kissed my forehead. I giggled when I looked to see him staring at me fondly.

"I missed you Minnie." He cooed.

"Missed Daddy too!" I exclaimed and started peppering his face in kisses.

"Baby! It tickles!" He laughed and I could listen to that beautiful laugh all day. I got from off of him and collected myself.

"But Minnie please never do that to me again. I was so worried something happened to you." He told me in a soft tone.

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