Little Vistitors

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(an: kinda fluffy kind drama-y idrk)
Third POV

The car ride home was silent except for the quiet sobs from the back seat. No one could have predicted Jimins devastation at the sight of Jungkook.

"Baby please don't cry. Jungkook is okay." Jin tried multiple times to make Jimin sure that Jungkook was fine. Nothing seemed to work or click. He wasn't going to stop until Jungkook woke up.

The two eldest offered for Jimin to stay at their place with Jungkook and he immediately agreed. He was having trouble coming out of little space and there is no way he should be alone.

Jimin got settled down in the room him and Jungkook would be sleeping in tonight while the other two carried the drunk man in. They sat him gently on the bed and turned to Jimin.

"Do you need anything? Are you hungry?" Joon asked and Jimin shook his head. He might have been hungry but that didn't matter. His one and only concern was Jungkook.

"Jiminie I get it but please eat something." Jin pleaded. But Jimin was stubborn there was no way he was leaving the bed with out his daddy with him. Jimin shook his head again and they politely left. He changed into more comfortable clothes and laid next to his daddy.

Jungkook was still stuck in jeans and a T-shirt. Would he mind? Jimin thought. He started to pull off the olders shirt and kept looking up to see if it would wake him.

"Take off clothes so daddy is more comfy." Jimin whispered to explain himself though no one was there to witness his actions. He succeeded in getting the shirt off but now the hard part would be pants.

He started to unbuckle the belt but if felt kind of wrong. He pushed passed the feeling and continued. He's not going to let Jungkook sleep in jeans.

He carefully pulled the olders zipper down and tried to take the pants off. It was quiet the struggle with how thick those thighs are.

"Daddy." Jimin whined as he pulled on the pants. He finally got them over and off. With a slight pant at how much work he just went through, Jimin climbed back into bed. He admired Jungkook breathtaking body.

Any normal person would have been looking at his rock hard abs or the obvious bulge in his underwear but not Jimin. He wasn't lusting over the older, he was admiring him. Studying his beauty. The way his hair fell and covered some of his face. His soft yet structured jaw line. His little pout when he when slept.

He often did this when Jungkook fell asleep before him. He caressed the drunks cheek and loved watching the way it made the older subconsciously smile. Playing with his hair as the older leaned into the touch.

"Love you daddy." He cried. His cries and silent sobs hadn't stopped all night. When he was finally so tired he snuggled as close as he could to Jungkooks body. Trying to find the warmth he desperately needed. He placed an ear on the olders chest and listened intently. His heartbeat. Just the sound of his heartbeat made Jimin cry. He truly loved Jungkook.


"Jin Hyung you don't understand what I went through yesterday!" Jungkook whisper yelled at the older. He was being scolded for being so irresponsible.

"Kook whatever it was I'm sure it could've been handled differently. Do you understand what that did to Jimin? He was fucking devastated." Jin spat angrily.

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