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A/N: Sometimes a chapter gets away from you, this is one of those times so the Melee will be in the next chapter.

Highgarden 295 AC.


Her excitement over what Ned had told her didn't last as long as she hoped it would, in fact, it lasted just as long as it took her brother to arrive, Arthur soon spelling out some home truths. So as she and Cregan made their way to where the Starks were staying she felt more nervous than happy, more worried than relieved. Cregan though was far more excited, far more curious about the night ahead and so she tried to look forward to it as much as he was.

After Ned had left her earlier that day she had got ready to go look for her son but as she was doing so Arthur had come to check up on her and make sure things went well. She had explained that Ned was to tell his children, that Cregan would get to meet with his cousins and that they would soon know of him. The mere idea of it bringing a smile to Arthur's face, but it was when she told him of Ned's plan that things became more real.

"He would have my nephew raised as a bastard, what is it with Stark, is that the only idea he has, first Jae, now Cregan."

"He already is being raised as one, we all are Arthur, or is your name not Sand?"

"It's different Ash, we're pretending, you, me, Cregan, we're pretending because we must, but when Jae takes his throne we won't need to pretend any longer." Arthur said.

"And when is that Arthur? I wish to be myself again, for Cregan to be himself, this allows that and there's also the North to think of."

"We can sign papers, have Jae declare it so, take Cregan from the line of succession. He doesn't need to give up his name Ash." her brother said shaking his head.

"We both know that wouldn't work, be it people moving against the Starks, people trying to use Cregan, what of his children Arthur, or his children's children, we'd be potentially setting up conflicts years in the making."

"So this is your answer?"

"It is an answer is it not?" she said a little angrily.

"What of Jae?"

"Jae?" she asked confused.

"I assume you wish to do this now?"

"Ned said he'd speak to the king, allow me to come forward without fear."

"What of Jae, Ash? People assume you're his mother, what happens when you claim one but not the other."


"If they know that you're not his mother then it makes them look closer Ash. If you're not his mother, then who is? We're not ready for the risk."

"Arthur I."

"I know Ash, this is not what I wished for you, but we're in this now, we must play it out."

"I'll speak to Ned."

It had been like someone throwing cold water over her face, the small little ideas she had about being herself once more, the idea of Cregan resolving issues with his future all gone in moments. It wasn't just Jae to consider either, it was Arthur too she soon realized, and so she had sat down with Cregan and swapped one lie for another. She felt terrible that she was making him do so, but she knew it was needed, for now at least.

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