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He had looked on stunned as his uncle declared for him, he couldn't help it he bid his uncle to rise and once he did Jon grabbed him and held him tight, he didn't even try to fight the tears that fell. His uncle whispered in his ear and Jon couldn't even make out the words, when he calmed enough they spoke a little on his mother. His uncle told him about the letters and journal he found and Jon did his best to keep his anger in check, his mother's letter was right, he had always known it to be true, but this proved that she may not have known just how deep this conspiracy went.

"We need to find them uncle, all of them." Jon said and his uncle nodded.

"Aye we do, but that's something we can talk about later, you need to get your rest Jon, tomorrow is a big day."

"Aye Uncle, thank you." he said as he smiled and they both left the crypts together.

He walked back to the keep with his uncle, both of them walking silently, behind them Jory and Alyn had given them room should they need to speak more, but Jon could tell his uncle was just like he, drained. So they bid their good nights and he went to his room, opening the door he quickly undressed and got the eggs from their hiding place before he lay down on the bed and closed his eyes. His heart raced when he saw her sitting there on the grass hill, it had felt like forever since he'd last seen his sister.

"Rhae. Where have you been?" he asked as he moved towards her.

"I was flying Jae." she said smiling before she reached her hand out and he took it.

They walked down the hill and Jae saw it then, the large dark burned walls of Harrenhal, he saw the tents lined up and the banners waving high. The black bats on a yellow field and the leaping silver trout on red and blue, both either side of the red three headed dragon on black, his house's banner raised far higher than the other two. Excitedly he moved with Rhaenys through the castle he saw squires scrubbing armor and polishing swords, saw horses being decked out in barding being made ready for upcoming jousts.

When they reached the castle Rhaenys led him to the largest of the halls, the famous hall of a hundred hearths. Inside the revelry had already begun and as he looked around he saw her sitting there with his uncles, all four of the Stark children together for perhaps one of the last times it was so. His uncle Brandon was just as he'd imagined him, larger than life and louder than his siblings combined. Ned was quiet and Jae grimaced at the figure sitting beside him as Robert towered above them all, the Demon of the Trident indeed.

His uncle Benjen looked so very small in comparison and even his mother seemed larger and more imposing than he. As for his mother Jae stood and watched, whether or not tears registered in this place he knew not, but they fell down his face all the same. She was lively and he watched as she glowered at something Robert said, as she chastised Brandon for some unknown reason and then spoke softly to Ned. She laughed with Benjen and then a hush came over the hall and Rhaenys drew his attention to the high table.

"Look Jae, Father." she said and she smiled as he looked to where she pointed.

On the high table he saw him and he was everything he had heard, he sat beside Elia and in her hands she held a newborn babe, Jae looked to Rhaenys and saw her nod as she looked at her younger self. They stayed for a moment and then Jae found himself outside the halls yet again watching as his mother put armor on.

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