page 31 • oikawa | FINAL |

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final chapter, let's get it !!

"This is gross."

"At least it's less gross than you." Eiko has to say, earning a slap from your spatula in response.

Mei, Misaki, Eiko and you were at your kitchen, the entire counter space and table filled to the brim with used utensils, containers, wrappers, trays, and every possible dairy product you could imagine.

"I can't believe Tooru wooed [Name] enough to get her to make him chocolates for vday lolol." Mei coos, pouring her batch of melted chocolate into a heart-shaped mould.

It's the 13th of February, and you could swear all you heard through the entirety of the week was about valentines day, chocolates, and every related word. It almost drove you insane.

Not insane enough to miss out on making some chocolate for Oikawa, though.

"Shut up!" You defend yourself. "If I didn't give him anything, he's gonna bug my head for the next 354 days that comes afterwards, so I might as well give him some shit and get it over with."

Even before saying so, you knew they wouldn't believe you, and you can't even blame them when Mei and Eiko exchange knowing smiles in response.

"But [Name], isn't your exam gonna be on tomorrow?" Eiko queries, while she pours her melted chocolate into little paper cups.

"It is. I studied a lot today, and I'm gonna finish up the questions Tooru gave me before I go to bed."

Eiko raises an eyebrow at you, giving a strong enough poke to Misaki that some of the frosting goes off from the cup of her little mini cakes.

"It's really real, huh. Like, she's really a simp for Flatkawa, huh."


Mei butts in right away. "Now, now, Eiko, let's not be rude-"

"You're flat too!"

"What in f- I don't brag about my beautiful face every three minutes though!"

"Shush! It's just an extended back, okay-"

"You two need to shut up before me and Misaki use these pin rollers to smack you two." Mei says, picking up the two items and glaring at you two.

"Anyway, who are you giving your chocolates to, Misaki?" Eiko wants to know instead, dipping her pinky into the frosting and tasting a bit.

"I'm gonna give them to Iwaizumi-kun." She announces. This makes all three of your jaws to drop open, exchanging baffled looks before looking back to Misaki who looks absolutely startled at your responses.


"Oh. Nothing."

"It's nothing! You give that chocolate and go, gurl!" You say, pumping your fist into the air. Mei looks very worried, grabbing you when you go to wash your utensils while Eiko continues to chat with Misaki.

"Oh cripes. What do we do? That fish-cut boy has a thing for her, doesn't he? That's gonna break his heart! What are we gonna do!"

"Well, that's true but how about we just let them decide on their own? I feel bad for Hanamaki-senpai, but Misaki wouldn't just make chocolates for Iwaizumi if she didn't have some kind of feelings for him, after all."

Mei still looks a bit worried, but decides to nod in response and instead go join the two.

"I'm giving mine to Tsukki today." Eiko announces out of nowhere. "If that wasn't obvious already."

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