page 29 • dramakawa

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You're finally starting to learn Oikawa Tooru really well.

The first thing is that he enjoys attention.

It doesn't matter who. It doesn't matter even if it's a teacher who says 'Oikawa-kun, great job in the last match', or if it's a high-pitched squealing girl who does her best to act cute and tell him he's handsome.

He enjoys attention, and the latter makes you really annoyed, but you decide that it's just your jealousy acting up when you wait by the bus stop while Oikawa is surrounded by some of his fangirls.

It's actually better this way. The girls don't bother you anymore, and that might be because Oikawa is always - always - with you.

Always holding your hand.

Now that's the second thing you learned about him.

It's one of the things that made you two fight, but you're starting to slowly adjust your anger towards him and instead try to take his form of displaying affection more positively.

Every day, Oikawa dashes to your classroom door right at noon, and doesn't let go of your hand until you have to slap his arm to hold your trays during lunch.

It's a bit funny, actually, and Misaki, Hanamaki and Matsukawa never fail to make cooing noises and tease the two of you when you both are innocently enjoying lunch together.

And that's where the third thing you learned about him appears.

Despite him being obsessed with attention, he gets really, really shy when it comes to you.

All it takes is a 'Wow, Oikawa, stop staring at [Name]-san and eat already!' from Hanamaki, for him to turn completely red, too embarrassed to meet eyes with you and then huffing while he begins to scarf his lunch down.

"I'm nooooooooooooooot!"

"Stop being such a sissy and admit it like a man, Oikawa." Iwaizumi likes to make use of this rare opportunity - as he states - to make fun of his childhood friend.

"That's rude!!!! Stop making me look bad in front of [Name]-chan!"

"How about you stop talking incessantly and actually eat something nutritional instead of that?!"

Things like this always ignite you two's banters, and one thing you noticed from you two's squabbles from before and now is that... You two actually can't help but laugh or smile at each other in the middle of it.

And it's actually... it's actually wholesome, being Oikawa's girlfriend.

It's still something you're getting used to - especially with people asking what the hell happened to your hair, or if you really are dating THE Oikawa Tooru in the first place.

"I can't wait to go to Karasuno so that I don't get myself labelled with you."

"I thought most people would love to be associated with me-"

"Keep dreaming." A loud smack makes you look up at the brown haired setter, who gets the back of his head slapped by an annoyed looking Iwaizumi.

"I can't even go out on a date in peace because of you, Iwa-chaaaaaan!!!" Oikawa whines, rubbing the back of his head in pain, and his jaw drops open when you and Iwaizumi exchange a high five.

"So mean!!!!" He yells, marching off to the porch while the you and Iwaizumi exchange laughs.

"Hurry and go, or else he might stay like that for long and annoy you during the entire bus ride."

You give Iwaizumi a big thumbs up, heading off to the gate where Oikawa is peeking from behind a tree; obviously waiting for you to come find him and pacify his petty self into joining you.

Under the Dim Lights • Oikawa Tōru ✔Where stories live. Discover now