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Camill's pov:
Loud ringing disturbs my peaceful sleep.
„Hello, my name is aro I am afraid Camill is still sleeping." I hear aro say while I slowly get my surroundings cleared.
I understand sir. We won't ever hurt your baby girl though. Since you obviously aren't fully human as well, I am pretty sure you know what mates mean in my world." aro strongly states. My other mates still are curled around me, all of them touching me on my body in some way or form.
„Aro? Who are you talking to?" I ask still pretty sleepy. Hearing all their chuckles makes me frown a little, what's so funny?
„She just woke up sir, so if you would like i can hand her the phone over." he says after kissing my forehead softly. Guess the caller agreed on that since he slowly hands my phone towards me. Shrugging a little, I take it.
„Hello?" i ask still not sure who has called. When I hear the deep rumbling chuckle from daddy I giggle right along with him.
„Daddy!" i exclaim happily. Not knowing why he called this early but happy none the less.
„Hey Baby Girl! Your brother had called me to inform me on what really is going on right about now. I hope you know that I am here to help the best I can baby girl!" he says sounding kind of sad for keeping him in the dark till now. Feeling bad for not saying it, but than I shouldn't tell anyone about my species so telling daddy's species would of felt wrong as well.
„I know daddy and I am really sorry for not telling you. But magnus and you told me to never tell anyone. Wanted to keep you safe!" I mutter guiltily. Hearing his heavy sigh let's me know that he understands what I meant.
„That's really sweet of you baby girl. But I am here to protect you, not the other way around." he says matter of factly.
„Saying that thought, I still know that you only were the sweet little thing that you always are." daddy adds with a chuckle making me feel better right away. Happy that he isn't mad for hiding the truth from him.
„Love you daddy!" i simply answer him with a shy smile. My mates simply smile lovingly my way but other than that stay silent to let me reconnect with my daddy.
„I love you too baby girl! I do hope you have fun with your mates and if at any time you need help, you know how to contact me. I will always be there for you baby girl." daddy says with love. Giggling at him once again.
„Thank you daddy! If you need anything at anytime you know that I will be happy to help you too!" I state rather proudly. If anyone needs to know something about me, than it's the fact that I am always there for those who I love dearly!!
„I know baby girl! Have fun and stay safe! Love you!" he says and shortly after the line went dead again.
„Your das seems to be really nice. He at least was rather nice to me on the phone." aro says with a chuckle. Nodding my head quit quickly! My daddy is one of the nicest and loveliest people I ever met.
„Daddy is the best!" i tell them with a wide smile. The only thing he ever wants is keep me safe and happy, just like a true dad and that even though he only took me in. He always was my real daddy though and i can't wish for a better one.
„It does sound like it sweetheart!" Jane says and kisses my lips softly.
„How about some waffles for breakfast mi amore? Or would you prefer some ham and eggs with toast?" marcus asks me while caressing my cheek with love shining eyes. Of course a deep blush comes on my cheeks at his intense stare.
„Waffles Sound really lovely." I whisper slightly embarrassed of blushing for such small reasons.
„I will make some right away mi amor!" he whispers back just as softly. Before he leaves though, he kisses both my burning hot cheeks.
„You look so innocent with that lovely blush." he whispers and off he ran, not waiting for my embarrassed whine.
„No need to be embarrassed little one! We love you and those sweet blushes are a cute addition as well." caius states matter of factly and lifts me into his lap to cuddle me tighter into himself.
„I should get dressed for the day." I say after my blush has slowly faded away and before anyone can say anything negative about me leaving. I quickly hurry into my wardrobe. Once again seeing all those different clothes I giggle in excitement. Looking through all those beautiful dresses, I frown softly since I seemingly forgot to pack my favorite dress. Pointing my finger at my lips in thought, maybe I can make it appear? It wouldn't hurt anyone so why not? Right? Deciding that it will be alright, I move two fingers on a hanger and just like that my dress appears much to my joy!! With a gleeful shout I hug the dress into my chest, the soft fabric alone calms me down. That dress was a gift from Magnos ages ago! And since he knows how much it means to me, he put a spell on it to grow along with me, which to my dismay isn't much since I still am very small. Anyway, the dress now is here so it's time to pull it on. To my luck though I hear the silent chuckles behind my back! Seeing now all five of my mates watching me with smiles on their faces makes me giggle yet again.
„What are you guys doing here? I was just getting ready to dress myself!" I ask them slightly confused but none the less happy to see them this happy as well.
„We heard your gleeful shout and wanted to look what has gotten you this happy. We weren't expecting to see you hugging one of your dresses mi amor." aro says with a chuckle. I simply shrug my shoulders at them, they have no knowledge on how very special this specific dress is.
„Magnus bought the dress for me a long time ago. It's my favorite." I tell them. Softly caressing said item in my hand with a smile. At hearing this they simply nod in understatement.
„We understand sweetheart. It's obvious that it means a lot to you. Your brother and you have a very tight bond, so it isn't a real surprise to us." Jane says with an honest smile on her lips.
„Why don't you get changed now little one? We will be waiting outside." caius asks already ushering everybody out, leaving me once again alone in the wardrobe. Not wanting to make them wait any longer, I quickly change myself. With one final look in the mirror I smile happy at how i look.
„Ready for your breakfast now mi amor?" Markus asks the second I open the door. All five of them already waiting by the door for me. Smiling at each of them, I suddenly get the urge to kiss them in thanks. In thanks That they still care for me, for still treating me the same and for still loving me after what i had told them yesterday.
„What was that for sweetheart?" alec wants to know with a curious smile.
„For still treating me like you did before you found out what I am." I simply state before leading the way to the kitchen.

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