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Camill's pov:
Hearing my alarm clock ringing, I quickly shut it down not wanting to wake my dad. After rubbing my eyes softly, I sit up and get ready for school. When I finished up my shower, I quickly braid my hair and brush my teeth before walking downstairs to prepare breakfast for dad and I. Today is the last day with dad and me alone in this house since tomorrow my sister is moving in with us. Frowning softly at that thought alone. Bella never really liked me at all. So I really am kind of afraid of her moving back in.
„Good morning Baby Girl. How did you sleep tonight?" dad questions me softly. Already pulling me into a soft hug like he always does. Seeing my watery eyes and my frown he looks a bit taken aback.
„Baby Girl what happened? Did you hurt yourself?" he asks me and hurriedly looks over my body in fright. Shaking my head and giggle softly at his antics.
„I didn't hurt myself daddy! Here is your plate." I answer his worried question while handing over the overly filled plate for him to eat. He does takes it, but his eyes still stay on my face with an unreadable expression.
„Please tell me why you were so sad baby girl? I hate seeing you sad or unhappy." he says after we both take a seat on our dinner table. Sighing a little, not knowing how I should tell him. He really was so excited when he heard that Bella will move back to Forks, more specific back in with us. So how should I tell him that I am afraid that she will come back?
„I don't know how to feel about Bella returning to us. The last time we saw each other she had hurt me really badly." i whisper afraid he might be angry with me or even yell at me.
„I am sorry baby girl! Maybe I shouldn't of allowed her to move back in with us. The last time was really hard for you. I nearly lost you!" dad says with realization and frightful eyes.
„I will call her mum and tell her she can't come! That was a bad idea anyway!" he says while he already walks towards the phone to make the call right away. At first I was shocked that he would do that for me, but than I felt bad for him. Bella is his daughter as well and I know he loves her, even though she has hurt me ever since I can remember.
„Don't Daddy. You have a right to see her. Who knows how longe she even likes to stay. Maybe she even changed?" I say trying to make myself believe the last statement. But deep in my heart I know that she will be the same manipulative girl that she always was.
„Are you really sure baby girl? I promise I won't be angry with you. It's understandable that you are vary of her." he replies. Still holding the phone in his hand. Definitely not knowing what he should be doing now. So I slightly nod my head at him, maybe it won't be so bad as I fear. I can at least hope. Right?
„I need to go to school now otherwise I am going to be late." I tell him. Softly kissing his cheek and after another wave I go outside just to see Edward's Volvo waiting for me. Jasper rushes right up to me and engulfs me into a tight hug.
„Good morning Baby Girl! Are you feeling alright?" he questions quickly taking my backpack for me.
„I am good Jasy! How about you and Edward?" I ask him slowly climbing into the backseat of their car.
„Good morning Edward." i say and buckle up since they are very strict for me to do so.
„Good morning to you too baby girl. Ready to go to school?" Edward asks me with a smile towards me. Nodding in reply makes him and Jasy chuckle at me.
„We heard your talk with your dad. Are you really sure you are ok with your sister coming to live here?" Jasy asks me. I know he is furious that my sister even dared to suggest to move back to Forks, but there is nothing i can do to change that.
„You could have let your dad call her baby girl." Edward softly throws in after reading my thoughts. Sighing, I start to play with my fingers. Which is a nervous habit of mine.
„I am sorry baby girl. I didn't meant to upset you." he says after seeing my face fall a little.
„Don't worry about it eddy. I am sure she won't try to hurt me ahain." I say. While adding, I at least hope so, in my head. Eddy has definitely heard my thoughts since his grip on the steering wheel tightens till his fingers turn white.
„We will keep you safe baby girl! I promise, we will do our very best to make sure she won't hurt you!" Jasy promises me making me giggle in joy. Jasy really is the brother I always wished to have. His whole family is very lovely and welcoming. Even Charlie likes the fact that I spend time with them since he figured out that they all, always keep me safe. He also likes them for being so nice to me. After what had happened with my twin sister Bella on our last time together, I completely hid myself from everyone around me. I didn't allowed myself to trust or to talk to anyone except dad. Jasy was the one that started to sit with me during lunch. Since I wasnt talking at all, he was the one that kept on talking the whole time. About his family, his schoolwork and sometimes he even read some old books to me. Slowly he got me out of my little shell like that, and now we are the best of friends. I do see him more as a brother than a friend though. The first time he had told me about Eddy I was really happy for him! Jasy is such a good person, he deserves to be happy. He thought I would scowl at him and yell since he loves a boy. But I don't care! I only care for the fact that Eddy is making my Jasy happy!
„Thank you baby girl. I do hope that I am a friend for you as well." Eddy softly says after parking in his usual spot by the school.
„Of course you are my friend Eddy!" I reply giggling happily at his silly question. Their fond smiles towards me get even wider when Rosalie pulls me out of the car and into a power hug.
„I missed you baby girl! A weekend without seeing you is simply too long!" she tells me and pouts at me. The second my giggles leave my lips though she joined my giggles as well.
„So tell me what you have done this weekend." I ask them all. They only shrug before mumbling that they were out hunting and feeding. Smiling at them yet again. They told me about them being vampires after hanging out with them for nearly three months. At first I was really scared that they might kill me, but they were quick to inform me that they would never do that. This encounter is now nearly two years ago and our friendship is still going strong.
„That's why your eyes are even brighter than normal!" I happily clap at my assumption. They once told me how their eyes get darker the longer they haven't eaten, so it was a logical explanation. They nod at me with smiles. Sadly I had none of them in my first class but at least every other class I share with one or more of the Cullens. Dad once called the headmaster to ask him to please put me in their classes. Since the headmaster and my dad know each other for a very long time, he changed my schedule. Much to mine and the Cullens joy!

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