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Camill's pov:
Not wanting to talk myself out of telling my mates about my real position in this world, I slowly walk downstairs where they still where sitting on the balcony.
„Sweetheart! Is everything alright?" alec asks the second he sees me in the door, still unsure of if it really is going to be safe to tell them. I mean I do trust them, but they don't really care for my race and as far as I know despite my brother. Why you may ask? Well, magnus is the strongest warlock on this planet as well as beneath and above. The Volturi coven always felt threatened by that simple fact alone, so this could go really downhill.
„Little one? What is wrong?" caius softly asks after he had been watching me along with my other mates. Taking another deep breath, I decide that it's time they know. However, just as I wanted to start to speak a portal opens up right next to me. I right away recognize the magic from my brother which calms me down while my mates try to tell me to move closer to them.
„Sorry i am Late, had a few things to explain." magnus states and pulls me into a tight hug. Alec standing right next to us. When he sees me looking at him he smiles brightly and even winks before turning towards my growling mates.
„What do you want Bane?!" aro asks furiously. It is clear that neither of the five like the close proximity between the two boys and me.
„As i can see you haven't told them yet." My brother asks me mischievously. Well, my brother likes to be dramatic, what else can I say.
„Whatever our mate needs to tell us has nothing to do with you. So if you care for your and your boyfriends life's I suggest you move away from her!" caius growls darkly making me frown sadly. I really had hoped that my brother and my mates will get along greatly, but it seems like they already hate each other. At least my mates hate Magnus.
„That's Where you are highly mistaken thought. Magnolia, please explain to your mates. I am sure they wouldn't believe my word anyway." he encouragingly says. Only now I realize how he and alec have put me in between them to make sure that they can protect me better if it would come to a battle.
„Magnolia?" marcus asks slowly, obviously confused of the name I just got called.
„My Original name is Magnolia. But daddy thought it would be best to change it into Camille to make sure I would be safe." I softly say. Feeling nervous about telling the whole story to them. What if they are going to hate me? Or what if they attack my brother along with Alec and me because of what I am!? Magnus the always thoughtful brother softly kisses my forehead in hope to calm me down a little. And like usual, it really helps me to stay focused and to not get to emotional on the spot.
„Magnus Bane is my biological brother." I say as strong as I can. Hearing the sharp intake of breaths from across of me makes me look up right away. Needing to see how they are going to react. If they really are going to start a fight I need to pay attention to help my brother to stay alive. It's the least I could do after all those years he looked out for me! He even gave me in the care of daddy so I could live a normal life.
„I don't know what you have told her but you better fucking explain this right now warlock!" aro seethes out dangerously. Slowly getting a little afraid of them, I take a step farther away from them. Maybe I shouldn't of laid so much trust in their hands. I was so sure that they wouldn't get angry or hurt me, but now it looks like they are only seconds away from attacking.
„Sweetheart, Hey. You don't need to be afraid of us. We will never hurt you. It's not your fault that warlock confused your brain." alec try's to sooth me but it only hurts me even more.
„He didn't confuse my brain! It's the truth! He is my brother!!! And that makes me a witch!" I answer him hurt. Guess magnus was right, it is dangerous to tell them. Me being mated to them doesn't change their hatred for my species. With tearful eyes and a broken heart I wave my hand in front of me to open up a portal. If they don't want me any longer, than there is no reason for me to stay a second longer with them.
„It was nice as long as it lasted. I am sorry I am not what you wanted." I whimper out. Ready to walk through the portal and away from my five mates that seemingly now hate me. And for what? Because I am something that wasn't anything that I could change. I got born a witch!
„Mi amor! Don't! Don't leave us!" marcus panicked voice stops me. Lifting my head once more I see them all looking guilty and frightened at me.
„We Love you! I don't care if you are a witch or human or whatever! You are my mate! Nothing could ever change that!" marcus says slowly walking towards me. Alec however is quick to stop him before he could get close enough to touch me.
„If you hurt her or even get one hair out of place I am going to make you regret ever living on this planet!" he threatens him. Leaving absolutely no room for an argument in his statement what so ever.
„I will never hurt her! And if I ever do, I will let you guys do whatever you want with me!" marcus says strongly never taking his eyes off of me. My heart flutters at hearing him say that. Maybe at least he will still love me unconditionally.
„none of us will hurt her! We all love her to bits. We may not like the fact that she is magnus bane sister, but that doesn't change our feelings towards her." Jane says strongly. Now walking closer towards me as well. My other three mates follow right behind her.
„Why do you think that I like the fact that my beloved sister is mated to the five of you!?" magnus asks them with a roll of his eyes. My giggles fly right out of my mouth at seeing his displeased face. It's the same face he made as i repainted his whole loft in pink.
„There is that wonderful giggle I love so much again!" my brother says with love in every word. My mates look shocked at his declaration of  love towards me. I however jump into his arms to cuddle him tightly. Loving being so close with him after years of not being able to see him.
„I guess we should talk with one another. Especially with who is trying to kill your sister." aro tells me brother who right away nods his head.
„While you do that, I am going to talk with Alec down at the beach." I say and before anyone could disagree on that, I take alecs hand and pull him along with me and away from them.

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