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"Just give it back!" I squealed at Hunter as he held my bandana above his head. My cheeks flamed red from the public display we were putting on.

I wasn't oblivious to all the people staring at us in the diner. There happened to be a few kids from school watching us from in the. Or we at their table; a table I was supposed to be getting orders from.

"I will never understand why you are so protective over this thing." Hunter smirked and slowly dropped his hand to I could reach it.

"It's part of my work uniform. I'm protective over it because I've lost it too many times to not be protective over it." I argued with him while I tied it around my head again.

"Yeah, I know you lose it a lot." He sighed and began playing with some toothpicks that were in a cup on the counter.

I smiled and stood on my tiptoes so I could lean over the counter and press my lips to his. When I was about to pull away, he grabbed my face with his hands and held me in place.

"Alright you two, that's enough. Get back to work missy." I heard Sue call from the kitchen. Smiling like an idiot, I pulled away from Hunter and grabbed my notepad.

I started walking towards the table with the kids from school. After grabbing their orders distractedly, I began walking back to the kitchen before one of them called my name.

"Hey, Jasey!" I turned around to see it was one of Reese's friends. He smiled at me and had a look in his eyes that made me want to puke. Ever since Hunter and I had gotten together, we've been in the spotlight. I'd like to think it was because the bad boy was dating a girl like me. With teenagers these days, who knows.

"Yes?" I replied with a sickening sweet smile on my face. The boy who I had seen a million times before but never managed to remember his name smiled at me.

"Are going to the snow dance tomorrow night?" He asked me while the rest of his friends stared at me with curious eyes. Why couldn't Reese be here?

"Nope. But I should, shouldn't I? Hunter? We should go to the dance." I called out to Hunter and he walked up right behind me, snaking his arm around my waist in the process.

"Right. We have places to be and people to kill. There's simply no time for dancing." His snarky comment was enough to make the kids in front of me turn white.

"Bye boys." I waved and turned around with Hunter right by my side.

"You are such a good liar. Wanna give me some of those skills?" I joked with Hunter. He laughed and took his seat at the bar in front of me while I gave the cooks the boys' orders.

"Sorry, babe. My skills are one of a kind." He said, smirking. I rolled my eyes and sat in front of him.

"Why aren't we going?" I asked quietly. He's told me a million times why he doesn't want to go, but I've told him a million times why I do want to go. Hunter sighed and leaned his elbows on the counter.

"I don't like people." He told me knowingly. I stared at him sadly, eyes wide and bottom lip jutted out.

"Do you like me?" I asked.

"I love you." He leaned closer to me.

"Then go to the snow dance with me. Please?" I practically begged for the tenth time in the last week.

"Sorry, Jasey. I really don't wanna go. What if we do something else?" He asked impatiently. I lowered my gaze.

"It's the last snow dance I get. No more after this year. We're seniors." I mumbled. Hunter stood up and kissed the top of my head.

He Stole My Bandana (So I Stole His Heart)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz