Chapter Thirteen.

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I shoved my carry-on back on in the compartment above our seat. With me on the outside, Grant sat in the middle seat and Reese by the window. He said he wanted the window or else he'd make my life miserable. I gave it to him since I didn't want that.

"You okay?" Grant asked when I sat down and buckled up. I sighed heavily and leaned back in my seat.

"Peachy." I said. "Just... nervous about flying." I lied. Actually, the problem was Hunter. I was stuck on the situation with him and I couldn't get the look of regret he had on his face out of my head. I tried to shake it out, even plugging my ears with my headphones didn't work. I have to call him later to check on Shiloh, so maybe he'll say something. Anything?

It was driving me insane.

"It'll be okay. It's nothing, really." Grant smiled down at me and I leaned my head in his shoulder, ready to go to sleep already and I wasn't even tired.

"Grant?" I asked without moving my head.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"What's it like with you and Jasmine?" I asked before I could stop myself. I closed my eyes like I did at Hunter's and wished I didn't ask that.

"What do you mean?" He asked as he put his arm around me.

"Do you guys like... have a hard time knowing what the other means?" I asked quietly, hoping I don't make him suspicious.

"Is there something you need to tell me?" He asked, cocking his head a little to look at me.

"No! No, I was just wondering." I said quickly, my face burning red. Grant chuckled and leaned back in his seat.

"There's always times when we don't understand each other. I think that's how things ended badly the first time. You just have to give one another space." He explained. I kept quiet as I thought about what he said.

If Hunter and I would've been in a relationship, I would expect him to be ignoring me. But since we weren't, maybe he won't just ignore me. It'll be awkward going to his room to see Shiloh when he doesn't want to talk to me.

Can one silly kiss do that to two people? Make them not want to be around one another? If that's so, then I regret that kiss too.


Slumping my way off the plane and into the airport, I followed behind my two brothers and they made their way through the parking lot in search of our mother.

We had grabbed our luggage after getting off the flying death trap and grabbed three cinnamon pretzels inside the airport. They were so delicious that we scarfed them down before we even got out of the front doors of the airport.

The reason I call the plane a death trap is because when I got up to use the bathroom for the first time, the plane hit turbulence and knocked me onto the lap of a 90-year-old man who was snoring away. I had to go back to my seat and buckle up. The second time I got up to go, I got stuck in the bathroom and had to bang on the door to get a flight attendant to open the door. She gave me a dirty look and sent me back to my seat.

Needless to say, I was ready to relax on something that doesn't fly.

"Grant! Reese!" My mom's voice filled the parking lot. At first I wondered why she didn't say my name until I realized she probably couldn't see me. She stood on her tippy toes to give my brothers a hug and then she saw me and her face lit up even brighter.

She rushed over to me, dyed blonde hair flowing in the wind. It had been a while since I'd seen her and her blue eyes almost startled me. They were bright, the same as Grant's.

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