Chapter Twelve.

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It felt as if my eyes had just closed when my bed started to shake. At first I thought it was in my dream, but when I felt someone yanking me up by the wrists, my eyes flew open and I was close to screaming. There Reese was, holding me up by my hands and his face in mine. Scowling at my twin, I wriggled my arms out of his hands and pushed him off my bed, watching him land on his knees after rolling off.

"What do you want?" I asked groggily. It seemed like I've slept a lot lately. Reese got up and glared at me for a second before excitement exploded across his face. He was acting like a kid a Christmas. Oh, yeah. It was!

"It's Christmas! Get your lazy a-"

"Don't finish that sentence." I yelled as I pointed at him accusingly. He rolled his eyes and pulled me the rest of the way out of bed. I stumbled onto the floor, dragging a few of my blankets off with me.

"Says the girl who sticks her middle finger up at everyone all the time." He pulled me towards the door.

"Okay, for one thing, I don't do that all the time. And for another, it's different than actually cussing." I argued.

"Whatever you say, sis." He said and continued to pull me out to the living room.

Everyone was out there; Amanda sat on the couch with a video recorder out. That was dad's job when mom still lived with us. This was the first year I've ever seen him give up that job and join in on unwrapping presents.

Dad was siting on the floor against the recliner, a smile playing on his lips as he looked around. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was playing on the TV like it did every other Christmas morning.

Grant sat Indian-style beside the tree and Reese pulled me onto the ground beside him, opposite of Grant.

Grant was already dressed and I assumed he would be going to see Jasmine afterwards. I wondered if they have fixed their relationship yet.

"Let's get to it, then!" Dad clapped his hands together and took what used to my job as handing out presents. He handed me one, Reese one, and Grant one. I waited until he found one that was for Amanda and himself to start ripping mine open.

Inside a white box wrapped with Santa Claus wrapping paper was a brand new iPod touch. I was happy to see it since I didn't have a phone up to date with this new technology. I didn't have anything to listen to music on, and now I do. I crawled over to my dad and hugged him tight. Amanda got that on video, too.

"I put music on it for you so you didn't have to later." Reese said. I nodded to him in a thanks.

"Thanks guys." I told them with a smile. Dad replied back with a "you're welcome baby girl".

I looked at Amanda and smiled at her, mouthing a thank you. She nodded and smiled.

"Awesome!" Reese exclaimed when he pulled out a box with brand new cleats inside. He was going to need those for soccer later this school year.

Grant got some new clothes, which he always appreciated since I've known him my whole eighteen years. He got a lot of stuff, stuff that I never really paid attention to since I was busy watching everyone just have a good time together.

It was cute when dad looked up at Amanda after she said something and he suddenly grabbed her hand, pulling her down onto his lap. She squirmed for a minute before settling down beside him, his arms wrapped around her.

I sat against the wall, taking it all in in slow motion. My presents that mostly consisted of clothes (which I loved getting) and a few other things including my iPod. I didn't notice Grant come over to me until he sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side.

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