Chapter Ten.

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"You can't sit there and tell me that this cat is not the cutest thing you've ever seen." I said matter-of-factly as Hunter rolled his eyes at me.

"He might be cute, but I still don't like him." He told me. I picked Shiloh up and held him in my arms like I would a baby.

"I have to get home for dinner, so I'll see you later." I said reluctantly, laying Shiloh next to Hunter on the bed. Shiloh immediately curled up at Hunter's side and closed his eyes.

"Okay, bye." He said absentmindedly as he flipped through the channels on his TV. I reached forward and grabbed the remote out of his hands, holding it away from his reach.

"You let anything happen to that cat and I will rip your head off." I warned through clenched teeth. I didn't want to leave Shiloh here...

Hunter grinned. "Is that a threat or a promise?"

"Both." I growled and threw the remote at his chest. I grabbed up my things and headed for the door, glancing back at Shiloh and Hunter one last time before leaving.

When I got home, no one was home. It was getting close to 11:30 pm so I decided to call it a night. I didn't have a clue where everyone was at this late at night, but it seems like I'm the only sane one to come home at a decent hour.

I walked back through the hall and froze when I heard something. It was a mattress creaking and someone talking in a low voice. It was muffled through the walls. I continued to walk until I came to a stop at Reese's door. I covered my mouth to keep them from hearing me.

Raising my hand, I knocked on the door once and heard everything go silent. Someone cussed, made a bunch of racket, and walked ungracefully to the door. The door knob wiggled and before I knew it, there was a half naked Reese standing in front of me. His eyes were squinted from the hallway light being on and he scratched the back of his neck. Then his eyes shot open like he just realized I was standing there. He stepped outside of his room and shut the door behind him.

"Uh, you're home?" He slurred. My eyes widened when I realized what was wrong with him.

"Yeah, and you're drunk." I put my hand on his face lifted his eye to look at how red they were. He had just broken one of the biggest rules in our house. Two, if my assumptions were correct. He's drunk and he has a girl in his room.

"What about it?" He whined and leaned against the door.

"Do you know how much trouble you can get into? Dad will flip if he finds our you got drunk, drove home, and you have a girl in your room." I crossed my arms and scolded him.

"Quit being such a goody-goody. I didn't drive home, anyway. She did." He jabbed his thumb in the direction of his bedroom.

I wanted to slap him. He knew I hated being called a goody-goody and now he's just pushing my buttons.

"Ya know what? I'm not even gonna help you out of this one. I hope you get in trouble." I spat out and walked back down the hallway to the front door. Reese jogged down the hall to me and grabbed my wrist.

"How would you cover for me anyway?" He asked.

I ripped my arm out of his grasp and put my shoes back on. "I have my ways." Reese bent down and tore my shoes off my feet.

"Give it back!" I swatted at him and managed to dodge every swung I took at him. He's even talented when he's drunk.

"Reese, if you give me my shoes back, I will make sure that girl you have back there is never heard of again in this house." I reasoned with him. He narrowed his eyes at me.

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