Entry Number

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 "papyrus." You and Frisk were both sound asleep despite it being daytime now, cuddled into each other adorably. Sans, albeit reluctantly, decided now was the time to investigate the break into the lab. "i'm gonna have to leave for a bit." Papyrus, who had turned off the computer playing a movie, glanced at Sans with furrowed brow bones.

"WH–" Papyrus looked down at the two sleeping humans briefly, "Why do you have to leave?" The confused look he got was well deserved, especially with how much Sans hated having you out of his sight for any amount of time.

"well," Sans rubbed the back of his neck, "there's one last...thing  i need to take care of. so we can be safe down here." He was reluctant to clarify. Papyrus remembered nothing of their fa–of gaster, so it would only confuse him were Sans to mention him. Though, there was a lingering feeling that he would have to explain it soon enough.

"Will it take long?" Papyrus frowned.

"nope," Sans looked to the side, glancing over you and making sure you were safely sleeping. With another sigh, he rubbed the back of his skull. "i don't want to leave any longer than i have too. if anything happens, call me. i should be able to teleport as long as ________ calls for me." He knew nobody would hurt you here. Especially since they were underground. Yet, that anxiety still pulsed in his chest.

Should he just bring you with him? No. A pang in his soul made him almost release some magic but he quickly repressed it. Before knowing what gasters purpose was, he wouldn't let you get anywhere close.

"Well, no need to fret. For I! THE GREAT–" Papyrus coughed into his glove, "The Great Papyrus will hold down the fort! Literally and figuratively!" Papyrus patted his chest proudly, sending a confident smile at Sans.

"okay. just...nobody leaves the house while i'm gone." Sans' phalanges twitched, tempted to erect a huge barrier around the whole house. Unfortunately, that wasn't very realistic, or helpful in the current situation.

"Sure." Papyrus shrugged. "I still have to make breakfast lunch and dinner. It takes a long time for The Great Papyrus to make such delicious food." Sans chuckled at that, before closing his eyes and letting out a breath.

When he opened them, the white doors of Alphys' old lab greeted him. The heat bothered him a bit more than the cold, but after barging into the place the air conditioner cleared any discomfort.

Sans wracked his brain, trying to recall where the hidden 'true lab' was. Besides the large powered down monitor, nothing else struck him as especially 'secretive'. Thankfully there was an obvious hint. The door to the bathroom was broken ajar, along with dirty footprints leading to it. He would chuckle if he didn't feel so nauseous.

After getting closer he realized it was actually an elevator–rickety and looking incredibly unsafe. Sans stared, then shrugged. He stepped in and went to press and button when the whole box shook, catching him off guard. Alarms blared as the elevator dropped at an alarming speed. Sans only narrowed his eyes.

He knew that once this thing landed, he would have to talk to someone he was for sure was wiped from existence. His eye lights flickered out briefly before one flared up with magic, covering himself in protective armor.

Then, the elevator landed with a 'THUD', almost making Sans fall over at the abruptness. He blinked a few times to clear his head and warily walked outwards. He dismissed the full body shield, eye lights returning to normal. He'd never been in this place before. All he knew was that this is where those amalgamates were made.

i won't let you leave me【Yandere!Sans x Reader】Where stories live. Discover now