Manic Paranoia

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You woke up. You had to pee. And, you needed to leave.

While getting up, two iron–gripped arms brought you back down, pulling you closer to their chest. You figured you were in Sans room, fell asleep most likely while he was talking to you or something.

Anyways, you really had to go to the bathroom, but you had a large skeleton cuddling you and that was blocking the way.

With a hefty sigh, you pushed up again, only to be pulled back into the embrace. Okay, you had to be smarter about this. Strategically grabbing a pillow from under your head, you quickly used that as a body double so you could escape.

Surprise, it worked. Sans was now cuddling a pillow and you were free to go to the bathroom...wherever it was. It was quite late outside, you noticed. Careful not to wake the skeleton up you gently tiptoed to the door, shutting it behind you softly.

Nice. Mission accomplished.

Oddly enough, you weren't really bothered by the fact that Sans was practically spooning you while you slept. It was probably the soulmate bond, but honestly, who cared?

You didn't, that's for sure.

After walking carefully in the dark hall you immediately noticed the bathroom, the opened door letting you confirm that it was one. Why did skeletons need a bathroom...? You shrugged it off, quickly taking care of your business and then washing your hands. While washing them many thoughts slit through your mind, a reminder of the mistake that could be made if you waited too long. How many days do you have left to retract your plan? A small amount, since they should be showing up sometime this week.

You met your own eyes in the mirror, seeing a worn out person grimacing back. Ugh, you really needed your meds and you needed to 'cancel' everything before it was too late. You thought about sneaking out to go get them while Sans was asleep but quickly realized that was a bad idea. Poor guy was freaked out enough as is, probably an anxious guy in general. Plus, you were his soulmate, so you should take care of him. One more night wouldn't hurt–they shouldn't show up yet.

And you'd be fine without your medication for a while. Despite that though, the blurring of your vision and the slight wobble in your step hinted otherwise. You decided to stable yourself before heading back to the room, washing your face and grounding yourself. It would alarm him seeing you collapse with a nosebleed on the floor.

With a long sigh, you thought about getting them after all. You should probably tell Sans what was wrong so he'd get it for you, or just let you go home.

Right, he did kind of force you to stay, didn't he? Your tired mind really didn't remember much except him using his magic on you and then bringing you both to his room.

Maybe he wasn't good at being alone...? But he had Papyrus, right? There had to be a reason why he wanted you to stay so badly. Was it because of the almost accident? Did he have separation anxiety or something? Really, you just wanted to know so you could help him and yourself.


You jumped a bit at the sudden sound. You were going to brush it off until you heard a blood–curdling scream.

What happened!? You rushed out the door ready to run toward the sound. Ah, you moved too fast, and everything was spinning now.

"s w e e t h e a r t ! ?"

Well, that's less than ideal. You needed to hurry back before he lost his shit. As you moved you continued to teeter, darkness crawling into your peripheral before almost completely taking over.

i won't let you leave me【Yandere!Sans x Reader】Where stories live. Discover now