34- Mais elle est un humain

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"Alpha there's too much poison in her body to survive. As a human, she has no survival rate. I'm deeply sorry for your loss Alpha Christian. It's time to say our goodbyes." Dr. Denver states to me in a defeated tone. The gravity in my world shifts at his words, a world without Amelia? Could I even live without my light? Without my reason to come home and my future. 

"No." I manage to get one word out. There's no way a woman as incredible as her dies such a bad way. Amelia deserves a long lived life filled with happiness, she deserves more than life has given her so far. We had our whole future together

"I-I'm sorry Alpha, I just don't know what else we can do. If she was a werewolf she would have a better chance of survival, but as a human she just isn't strong enough whoever did this, used a very strong dose." Dr. Denver explains sighing. 

"Doctor, Amelia does have some werewolf genes inside her, maybe theres a way we can stimulate the gene? Turn her?" My dad says as he barges into the hospital room. I instinctively hide Amelia and snarl at him for the interruption. Xavier won't stop whining in my head and I'm trying my hardest to hold him back at the moment. 

"If what Tobias is saying is true, that could be a possibility! Nurse Olivia, draw some blood" Dr. Denver turns abruptly and starts rechecking all of Amelia's vitals while mom and dad sit beside me in the room. 

"We've got two hours until her body shuts down completely, I'll run her blood to the labs right away" Dr Denver says as he runs out of the room with the other nurses. 

"I want to meet mate's wolf! She'll be beautiful!" Xavier exclaims in my head and I sigh. If only it was that simple. 

We spend about forty five minutes listening to Amelia's slow heartbeat in the hospital room until Dr Denver has come back. My parents and myself are the only ones who are allowed to stay with her. It's currently three am but I'm wide awake thinking of how I can keep my mate alive. 

"Okay we'll try something. Alpha, due to your ranking, it may be possible for her to transform. However she won't be as strong as the average werewolf, nor as big. This is our only shot at keeping Luna Amelia alive. I will need to draw some of your blood Alpha" Dr Denver explains and I roll up my sleeve right away. For Amelia, I'd give anything. They take out the large needle and prick my skin and fill up four bags of my blood. 

"Basically we're going to start with a transfusion, your blood with circulate inside her body and should provide enough of the werewolf gene to activate it in her system. If this doesn't work, you may have to mark her again. Your blood should not poison her as you've completed the mating process." Dr Denver explains further and I nod understanding the ritual. 

Dr Denver takes the blood bags and hooks it to some other machines close to Amelia. I watch nervously as he begins the transfusion, the sight of blood definitely has me on the verge of throwing up. After about two minute of active transfusions, Amelia's heart rate spikes up and Dr Denver is frantic going around her hospital bed. 

"What the fuck is going on Doc" I grit out. Dad has to hold me back from yanking my dying mate away from him. 

"The blood may be a little too strong for her system" Dr Denver replies as he injects Amelia with another liquid. Amelia's heart rate stops and they bring out the paddles to attempt to revive her heart. 

"Clear!" One of the nurses yells and Amelia's body jolts up from the electricity. Xavier growls at her state. Her heart rate doesn't pick up after another four cycles of attempting to revive her heart. 

"Time of death, 4:15am" Dr Denver states and they take off their equipment. My whole body erupts in pain as Xavier takes over, transforming into my wolf right in the hospital room. He growls at everyone to leave the room as they run away frantically, leaving us alone with our other half. 

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