5- Bienvenue chez nous

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After a long week of school it was finally Saturday. Not much else happened this week after my hangout with Christian. Last night Allie, Evelyn and I went to a nearby mall to find perfect outfits for tonights party. I will be sleeping over at Evelyn's house tonight with Allie. Christian wasn't at school much this week, he missed the last two days of the week. Luckily Evelyn was still at school and she didn't seem worried so I didn't think much about Christian's disappearance. It's now lunchtime and I'm with my dad at his gym. Dad likes me to train with him at least once a week so ensure I'm in good shape. We also like to spar with each other, he's always teaching me new techniques. 

"Millie, when I step forward, I want you to pull my arm and twist it inwards. Once I'm off balance, ben down and flip me." He explains. I am a decent fighter, considering I have been training with him all my life. But he always finds a way to teach me a new trick.

"Okay dad" I say. I do as I am told and he lands on the ground back first. He let's out a low groan and get's up from the floor.

"That's great Millie, now do 5 miles on the treadmill and we'll head out to go look at some houses. It's a good thing I like training because my dad sure knows how to push people past their limits. Dad has been house hunting all week. He has narrowed down his list to 3 favourites. Personally I don't really mind where we live, as long as it's close to the school and uncle Joey's house. 

Once I finished my run, I use the shower at the gym and change into my extra pairs of clothes. I brought a pair of jean shorts and a light blue cropped camisole top. The gym is basically complete now. Dad is opening it starting Monday and people have been coming all week to buy memberships. He's super excited about it. 

The first two houses we saw were decent. The first was in a small project that was filled with new modern houses. Dad and I liked the style of it but it just wasn't homey enough for our taste. The second house we saw was a right beside a big factory and the outside was really not inviting. Enough said we eliminated that one too. Finally we stumbled upon the third house. It was stunning! It was a three bedroom and two bath house right on the beach. 

The interior was stunning as well

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The interior was stunning as well. Everything was polish and white, with big windows overlooking the sea. It was perfect for us. Dad contacted the real estate agent and decided they would get together tomorrow to finalize the lease. Our backyard was the sand and ocean so I am very excited to move into the new house, although I will miss the company of uncle Joey, aunt Talia and Jackson. 

When we got back to Uncle Joey's, dad and I told everyone about our new house. They were very happy for us, since we finally found a house we could call home. We decided we would do Sunday afternoon barbecues at the new house with the family. We've grown quite close, even though we haven't spent too much time together. Dad also seems much happier than he was in Paris, theres a newfound light in his eyes. One I haven't seen since mom's passing. After talking with the family for a bit, I went upstairs to pack my overnight bag and shower. 

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