23- Des surprises et réunions

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Christian POV

Earlier that day

"Hey Anna" I say as I walk back into her hospital room. Dad, mom and Evelyn went to get lunch for us in the cafeteria. 

"Hey Chris" She replies, with a big smile on her face. I've missed that little nickname she's given me. I make my way onto the bed and sit beside her. 

"I'm so sorry that we didn't find you sooner" I confess. It's eaten my up inside since I first saw her frail little body. When we got the call from Alpha Giovanni, our hearts stopped. Seeing her, lying in the bed almost lifeless with bruises over her underweight body, it killed me. My baby sister was left to deal with her demons all alone. 

"Chris, knowing you, you had a whole darn army. Victor told me he made it look like I died. I knew you would always search for me and look at us now. I'm home" She replies. I smile at her and pull her into a hug. We were always close as siblings, all three of us. 

"Are you sure you're okay with going back there?" I ask her sincerely. As much as I hate the idea of not going to my Amelia sooner, my sister just got back from almost two years of hell. 

"Yes Christian she needs us. But she's changed I think." Annabelle says. 

"What do you mean?" I ask her. What the hell did Victor do to them?

"Well at first, she used to be optimistic like me, saying that you guys will come for us. They would take her into a room, then hours later she would come back unconscious. I have no idea what they would do to her. She would wake up freaking out in the beginning, saying weird things. Eventually, she stopped talking about her before life, she seemed conflicted with herself. Whatever they did to her, it seems to have really messed with her. She told me not to come back with you" Annabelle explains. A low growl comes from my chest hearing those words. Victor and who's whole damn army will pay. 

"Sorry." I say shortly, trying to calm myself down. Amelia will be back to us soon. 

"Christian, it's time to go. Bentley and Jackson are here" Dad says as he walks in. Dad walks over and picks Annabelle up in his arms, holding her bridal style. 

"C'mon horsey. Let's go on a quest!" Annabelle says patting my dad on his shoulder. Dad and I let out a chuckle and we make our way outside of the pack clinic. As we exit the doors, I see all the warriors we've assembled. 

"Today, we rescue our Luna. Thank you to everyone who is fighting along side with us. Annabelle will be leading the way, her and Amelia are your top priority. Let's move" I state. All warriors line up and we take off into the forest, with my dad beside me leading the group with Annabelle in his arms. 

"We'll find her Christian. She's going to be okay" Bentley says as he's running beside me. 

"That way!" I hear Annabelle guide. We all follow her orders as we make our way through the woods. It seems Victor was not staying in a pack after all, he must've created his own rogue pack.  After about an hour and a half of running, Annabelle calls us to a halt. 

"I-Its underground. Right behind that clearing. I recognize the red birdhouse here" Annabelle points to a tree beside me. 

"Annabelle, we're going to take you back now. Amelia will be safe" I say to her. I quickly nod to my dad and he takes off back to the Northern Pack along with ten of my warriors. "Alright everyone. We all need to take caution as we don't know what kind of traps Victor has for us. Follow me" I say to the rest of the warriors. We walk further into the clearing and as Annabelle said, an old rusted bunker comes into view. I walk closer to the door and notice there are no other people outside. Why isn't this place guarded?

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