3- Dans les ombres

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Jackson dropped me off at Dad's new gym and drove him and Allie back at the house. Dad's new gym is really nice! As I walk in I see tons of equipment already set up. As I'm walking through I see Dad talking with someone in his office, I decide to wait and play on my phone for a bit. After a couple of minutes I see dad and the man exit his office. 

"Hey Millie, meet Mr. Tobias Black. He's got tons of people who are dying to be first hand using this gym." My dad says grinning. Training is his escape and passion. I'm so happy he is starting to be happier again. 

"Hello Mr. Black, its lovely to meet you, I'm Amelia." I say and shake his hand. He's got quite the firm hold. Something in his face is so familiar like I recognize some features or something. 

"I'm delighted to meet you Amelia, your old man here is quite the expert. I'm very glad to be doing business with you." He turn to my dad and smiles. "I must get going now but we will keep in touch." Mr. Black says before leaving the gym. 

Dad explains that Mr. Black knows a lot of people willing to use the gym and just wanted to get a clear plan and how everything works. After that I help him out with setting up different equipment and tell him about my day. He's ecstatic when he learns I made the soccer team. We pick up Wendy's for everyone at the house and drive him when we're done.

"Food's here!" I yell as I walk into the door. Soon enough aunt Talia, uncle Joey, Jackson and Allie meet us in the kitchen. We scarf down dinner quite quickly and talk about school today and their jobs. After dinner I head into my room to do some homework. Jackson and Allie invite me to watch a movie but I'm quite tired after my first day. 

It's about dusk as I'm doing homework with my window open and all of I sudden I hear I rustle in the trees. Quickly I turn and look out my window. After a couple of minutes of staring out I don't see anything. As I'm about to turn around, I catch a dark figure lurking in the woods. Some type of big animal, as soon as it turns towards my window and sees me looking at it, it bolts off into the distance. Weird. That animal was quite close to the house. I don't think much of it and return to my homework. Soon enough I finish my assignments, I shower and change into my pyjamas. Before going to bed I walk downstairs to get a glass of water and spot Jackson and Allie asleep on the couch. I slowly walk over and turn off the tv for them. 

As I go back in my room, I lie in bed and text Jade, Catherine and Béatrice. I tell them all about the day. They told me they want a picture of the mysterious guy who caught my eye today. I told them it was probably all in my head. After more catching up I turn off my phone and head to bed.

BEEP BEEP BEEEEEP!! stupid alarm clock why did I buy one.

"Mais Putain!(Uh God!) I'm up alarm clock stop ringing!!" I groan. I am not really a morning person.

I walk into my bathroom and take a quick shower and throw my hair into two French braids. I brush my teeth and put on some light mascara. I then proceed to my closet to pick out an outfit. I settle for a cute yellow floral sundress and pair it with brown sandals. I don't have practice today so I just grab my school bag and go downstairs. 

"Good morning guys" I say as I'm handed a bowl of Frosted Flakes. Today I feel like we're one big family with my dad, Allie, Jackson, aunt Talia and uncle Joey at the table. It's very different living with so many people. They all say good morning back and we proceed to eating breakfast.

"I was wondering, what kind of animals live nearby hear? I thought I saw a huge wolf near my window last night." I state. All of a sudden theres this awkward silence. Soon enough, uncle Joey answers my question

"There's many animals in those woods, I am quite surprised one would come close to the house. Just be cautious and don't go wandering off alone and you should be fine." He says. Oh okay weird. That wolf was so big though!

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