Chapter 25

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"Baby, could you please pass me a, not that one, the one next to it."

I handed Miss Rose the spoon as I leaned against the counter and continued to watch her work her magic.

It was Thanksgiving Day, and I stood now in Miss Rose's kitchen as we prepared dinner. Rather, she did, and I mostly watched.

"You know, this is the first Thanksgiving in years that I'm not spending by myself." Miss Rose suddenly said, and I felt my heart ache.

"What about family?" I asked, leaning towards her.

"Most of them are back in Australia." Miss Rose replied, stirring the pot, "and I don't know if you've noticed... but I don't really have friends. It's quite hard to find a lot of time for friends when you're busy managing a global business."

I could imagine. I basically didn't have any family, but for the past years I had spent my Thanksgiving with Amanda and her family.

"Well, you have me now, don't you?" I asked, reaching over and wrapping my arm around Miss Rose's waist.

"Yes." Miss Rose said, bending down and softly working her lips against mine, "and that's all I could ever need."

My heart fluttered just hearing her say that, and I smiled up at her.

"Go set the table Muna, the food's almost ready."

I nodded my head and went to do just that. We had slept in after our late night at the club, not apart, but together, with Miss Rose's arms wrapped around my waist throughout the night and well into the morning before we had finally woken up.

"All set!" I yelled at Miss Rose once the dining table was arranged. Miss Rose came in, balancing the different foods in her arms, and began to set them down at the table. I watched her as she moved meticulously. She had a small smile on her face and I smiled just watching her.

The food smelt heavenly, and I was so excited to eat it, my stomach was calling out to me.

"Okay, all done." Miss Rose said, "wait hold on." I watched as she went over to the wall and pressed a button. The light in the room suddenly dimmed and a slight tune was playing. The theme in the dining room suddenly turned extremely romantic. She walked back towards the table, smiling at me. "Okay. Now we can begin."

I took a seat at the table as she sat down in the seat opposite from me. I couldn't stop smiling, I was just so fucking happy.

"What I'm most thankful for this year is you, Muna." Miss Rose said suddenly as she smiled at me, "you came at a time when I needed you most. I never could have ever imagined that we would be here today when I first met you. I had no idea I would be falling for you so hard and so fast. I know you've felt a lot of pain and I wish I could take that away. I never want you to feel that because you deserve absolutely everything, Muna Johnson."

Tears were brimming in my eyes, "I'm thankful for you too. I always thought I couldn't be happy in life, I figured that the closest I would ever achieve to happiness is just the absence of sadness. You changed that. So much has happened these past few weeks and I'm so, so glad we're here..." I stopped as my voice cracked, I really did not want to start crying. I watched as a single tear rolled down Miss Rose's face. There was a moment of silence between us.

"Okay, Muna." Miss Rose suddenly said as she wiped the tear from her face, "enough of the deep shit. Let's eat!"

I laughed as I began helping ourselves to the different foods Miss Rose had made. Everything smelled heavenly and tasted even better. Little was said between each other as we ate. All I wanted to do was eat this delicious meal prepared in front of me, next to the most beautiful woman in the world. So that was exactly what I did. I ate.

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