Chapter 16

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I covered my ears as Amanda screamed on the other end of the line.

"Amanda, you're going to burst my eardrums." I yelled above her screams.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Amanda said, although she didn't really sound sorry at all, "give me the details. I want details."

"Oh my gosh, Amanda," I said as I felt my neck heating up, "I'm not about to explain details of the kiss to you. That's weird." I was smiling, but I was embarrassed, I had just told Amanda of the kiss that happened last Friday between Miss Rose and I. I still couldn't believe it myself.

"Okay, okay. But just answer me this," Amanda said, "was it everything you imagined?"

It was everything I had ever imagined and a lot more. I smiled to myself again.

"Yes, it was-" I could barely even finish my statement before Amanda had gone off screaming in my ears all over again.

"Amanda." I said rubbing my forehead as I laughed, "If you scream one more time I swear I will hang up on you."

"Okay, okay, okay. I'm sorry," Amanda said, "it's just, this is such a huge deal. You never ever let anyone in and hardly ever go for what your heart wants. And I'm just so happy you've found someone-"

"Amanda." I said cutting her off mid-ramble, "we just kissed, you're acting like I announced a proposal."

"I know, I know," Amanda said, "I'm just so happy Muna."

"I am too," I responded, and I was. It even scared me how happy I felt and the more I thought about it the mor,e anxious I felt so I tr,ied not to dwell on it too much.

"Okay, Amanda, I need to get ready for work." I glanced at the alarm clock next to my bed that would be going off at any minute.

"Okay, Muna. I evalsoeed to get a few hours of sleep before class. I love you!" Amanda yelled out m,aking a kissing sound over the phone and hanging up abruptly.

I laughed at the now dead phone line. I stared at my phone in my hand, just staring at it for a while as I thought of my conversation with Amanda.


My alarm clock suddenly went off, distracting me from my thoughts. I got up quickly and headed towards the bathroom as I got ready for work, all the while thinking of Miss Rose. After we kissed in the car, she had driven me home, leaving me with one final lingering kiss as she dropped me off. Now as I brushed my teeth, that was all I could think about: her face inches away from me, the feel of her hands behind my neck as she pulled me closer to her, her flowery scent engulfing me.

I wondered what was in store for me this week.

I finished getting ready and grabbed a bagel from my kitchen as I headed out of my apartment. The day seemed promising, and I couldn't stop smiling throughout my journey to work. I don't think I had ever been this excited for work. But then again, it wasn't really work I was excited for.

I arrived at work with some time to spare and bought myself a hot chocolate from the Cafeteria that was situated on the third floor before heading up to my floor. I began looking at my schedule for the day when I heard a familiar voice coming down the hallway.

The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy by the time Miss Rose came into view. She was dressed in a baby pink suit today and matching baby pink trainers and I admired her in awe. Beside her was Alice Ross who was showing Miss Rose something in her folder but Miss Rose wasn't paying attention. Instead, her eyes were fixated on me. I watched as she leaned over and said something to Alice Ross, who nodded her head before closing the folder and walking away, her high heels clicking against the marble.

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