Chapter 10

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Hi All!

I was looking through this book and realized that I didn't interact with readers as much as I would like to. Hence, I shall be posting some questions to know my readers better at random chapters (:

Q. When and how was the first time you found out about Wattpad?

Enjoy Chapter 10!


"I'm gonna really miss Lisa," Javier mumbled next to me.

We were seated around a fire pit, and the night was dark. It was the last night of the retreat and the atmosphere was morbid all around. I, for one, felt like shit. I did not want to have to go back to being Miss Rose's Personal Assistant. I loved how we had gotten closer and how relaxed she seemed to be here. But I probably ruined everything already.

I groaned audibly.

"Are you okay?" Javier said, turning his head to look at me.

"No, I mean yes. I'm fine, I'm okay," I ransacked my brain to find something reasonable to say, "oh yeah, you and Lisa, that sucks."

The sarcasm written all over that last statement was clear from the look on Javier's face. I realized I sounded like such a bitch in that moment, and I instantly regretted saying anything at all.

"Muna, are you jealous?"

I paused for a while. What?

"No Javier," I said furiously, shaking my head, "I'm not jealous. Honestly, I might not be really drawn to Lisa, but that's okay, as long as you're happy-"

I paused my ramblings because of Javier looking at me; he had this look in his eyes. I gulped.

"Muna," Javier began, "If you liked me like that, all you had to do was say something."

At that point my brain went blank and I honestly just stared at Javier, my face expressionless. Javier suddenly started leaning in and my brain switched on again. I suddenly realized the apparent miscommunication and the danger of the situation I was in.

"No." I put my hand on Javier's shoulders, pushing him back as gently as I could muster, "that's not it. I don't like that"

There was a moment of silence.

"Oh," was Javier's one-word reply.

In the dim light of the fire pit, I could see him slowly turning red in embarrassment. I was just as embarrassed and the whole situation had suddenly become extremely awkward. Silence fell over us, and I just sat there playing with my hands. All around us conversations were being held, but we just sat there avoiding each other's gaze.

"It's the CEO, isn't it?"

That caught me totally off guard. I turned my head so fast, looking at Javier as I quickly scanned my eyes over him.


"Miss Rose. You like her. I see it."

I suddenly felt really dizzy.

"I don't know what you're talking about Javier," I lied, laughing nervously and averting my gaze to the ground.

"Okay," Javier replied. I could still feel him staring at me but couldn't look at him.

"Um, I'm kinda tired... I think I'm going to have an early night," I said, standing up suddenly.

Without waiting for a reply, I walked away and began to head in the direction of my cabin. It was getting really dark and I could barely see where I was going, but that was amongst the least things on my mind.

Was my crush on Miss Rose that obvious? I mean, there was no denying it, I did have a little crush, but that was all there was to it. Just a little crush and nothing was ever going to come out from it, nothing should come out from it. Miss Rose is nothing but my Boss. Likewise, I am nothing but her Personal Assistant.

I suddenly came to an abrupt stop and looked around. I wasn't at the cabin; I was so deep in thought that I had missed it. I was now standing alone in the dark woods surrounded by nothing but trees, I couldn't even tell which direction I had come from. I couldn't even hear the sounds of voices from the retreat anymore, just crickets and nature.

Deep breaths, Muna. Deep breaths. Deep breaths.

I walked around a little, hoping desperately to see something that would push me in the right direction. Something that revealed to me the right way to go, but all I seemed to hear was sinister sounds and I felt like something huge and animalistic was closing in on me by the second.

Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't Panic.

I kept walking. Everything looked the same: just a lot of trees and bushes and an overwhelming darkness.

Just keep going Muna. You're bound to find a way out.

I heard what sounded like the snap of a twig and I instantly froze. I saw a form in the darkness approaching me. It was huge, at least eleven feet tall with glowing red eyes. It drew closer and closer to me, and I knew this was it. It was coming for me; it was going to eat me. This was how my life was going to end- attacked by a creature in the middle of the woods on a work retreat. More creatures were slowly emerging from the surrounding bushes, all of different shapes and sizes, and they were coming to get me. I just knew it. They all had the same intent in mind. To kill. And to feed. Unlikely for me, I knew I was both the kill and the feed.

I was trembling furiously and let out a high-pitched scream as I suddenly felt a hand grab my shoulder.

"Fuck Muna, it's me."

A torch light was being shone in my face and I squinted my eyes.

"It's just me." the familiar voice repeated, and I immediately felt relief wash over me.

I bent over, placing my hands on my knees as I panted furiously.

"Muna, what the hell were you thinking? "Mis Rose yelled, "coming out here on your own, you could have gotten lost!"

Miss Rose had never yelled at me, and it honestly just made the whole situation ten times worse.

"I-I don't know," my voice cracked, tears were threatening to fall. I felt so embarrassed, it didn't help that I was overflowing with emotions, "I didn't mean to. I just got lost. I got so scared I-"

"I got you," Miss Rose whispered. Her tone had changed, it was no longer angry but soft. I felt the back of her hand reach out and drag me towards her. I instantly latched my arms around her neck and buried my face in her chest. "I told you I'd keep you safe, Muna. I mean every last word."

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