Chapter 2

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Exhaustion. Immerse, Intense, total exhaustion.

I kicked my shoes off the moment I got into my apartment and immediately collapsed on my bed. My first day of work had been so tiring, and I knew tomorrow was probably going to be much worse. I had seen little of Miss Rose and spent my day with Alice, who gave me instructions on what to do a mile a minute and frowned really hard at me when I couldn't keep up. Hopefully, after today, I wouldn't have to see much of Alice anymore.

I needed this job. I slowly turned over on my back, staring at the plain white ceiling. My parents had abandoned me long ago, and I was self-sufficient. I needed to raise enough money to go to grad-school and get my masters. Of course, there was also the issue of paying for rent and food, the prices here were a lot higher compared to back in Philly. I let out another sigh and rubbed my eyes before forcing myself out of bed and towards my kitchen.

I was way too tired to cook a proper meal and succumbed to eating a pot noodle instead; I knew I couldn't do this every other night or I would be very unhealthy. I just hoped I wouldn't feel this tired every day after work.

As I brushed my teeth, I thought about Miss Rose and smiled at my reflection despite myself. I couldn't deny that I wasn't excited to see her again, and I was a little intrigued by her. Just the idea that I was going to work in such close proximity to her made my heart flutter. I wondered a lot about her. How did she get to be a CEO this young? Why did she move to America? I fell asleep that night with her deep green eyes and playful smirk on my mind.

Thank God, I thought to myself as I looked down at my watch, 8:25am. I was five minutes early. Alice did not scowl at me when I showed up this morning, so that was good. I was seated at my desk, which was right outside the huge brown doors of Miss Rose's office as I reviewed her schedule for today. I felt a sense of pride; I had somehow managed to pull it all together just in time and was on top of what I needed to do. Maybe this wouldn't be so hard after all.

"Ah, if it isn't my beautiful PA"

I almost passed out, realizing the CEO had appeared around the corner she was now standing in front of me. I quickly shot out of my seat, avoiding her gaze as I bowed my head slightly, "good morning Miss Rose."

I tried not to focus on the fact that she had used the adjective 'beautiful' in describing me a few moments ago.

"Good morning Muna, what's my schedule for today?" She asked, already walking into her office.

I guessed she expected me to follow her, so grabbing my iPad I rushed after her, trying not to trip over my feet. At the same time, I tried not to think about how nice my name sounded coming out of her mouth.

Pushing the thoughts to the back of mind, I cleared my throat, "you've got a meeting at The Royal Centre in thirty minutes..."

She had sat behind her desk and crossed her legs one over the other, resting them on her desk while she listened to me read out her schedule. I felt my voice shake a little, feeling her intense stare boring into me.

"What's your star sign Muna?"

"What?" I was thrown completely off balance by her sudden question.

"Your star sign, you know, astrology and all that." There was a hint of amusement in her voice as she spoke.

"Um, Libra," I replied, but it came out as more of a question.

"Oh, yeah?" Miss Rose said grinning at me, "I'm a Pisces, we're compatible, you know."

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