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During break time, after eating lunch I went to the library so that I could write my essay without disturbance. There weren't many students in the library so it was an ideal place to concentrate.

The only problem was that I couldn't think of anything to write at all. I just kept staring at the blank page of my jotter until the bell for the end of break went off.

I noticed that Kolade had been stealing glances at me after I'd asked him about yesterday. He had this guilty look on his face that made me even more sure that he had actually lied to me.

I made up my mind to ignore his glances, I'd rather wait and see if he'd fess up and tell me the truth.

We were now on our way to the chapel for prayers, I spotted Nenye and some other people standing outside the chapel sharing tags to the students that were entering the chapel.

Today the chapel was having a program about the dangers of Malpractice.

When we got to the front of the chapel, I collected one tag from a very tall girl that stood beside Nenye. I recognized her as the girl who used to be the captain of the girls' basketball team.

She smiled and helped me to wear mine. Even though she was in SS3, I wasn't sure she even knew I was related to CJ, I think she was just being nice.

On the tag read,

"Malpractice is corruption, stop corruption Now!"

Kolade awkwardly collected his from another girl and looked shyly at Nenye who stared back at him like he was an alien. She turned to me, her gaze staying for a bit longer like she was contemplating doing something.

When she didn't do anything, I went ahead to enter the chapel. I was surprised that people actually showed up for today's program, I assumed that students would intentionally skip prayers today after they had announced the program on the assembly.

The chapel had been decorated with different messages talking about how corruption is a sin and sinners go to hell.

One particular poster caught my eye, a cartoon drawing of a fat potbellied man that I assumed represented our politicians. The man was stuffing a lot of Gold into a sack he was holding, written under the drawing was.

"Malpractice leads to this, Kill it now!"

I snorted at the message, imagine telling that to a school filled with children whose parents were politicians.

I'm not saying that all politicians steal money, but this is Nigeria, the country where just last year a monkey and a snake were rumoured to have taken 70 million and 36 million naira respectively.

Since the front had already been taken by mostly juniors and some seniors, I went to the middle of the room and took a seat, Kolade had gone to the other side and was seating with some of the boys from our class.

I turned away and looked at the altar that used to be all red but was now decorated in blue and yellow, the school's colours.

A big sign in front held the same information as the tag they were handing out. Our chaplain stood by the side instructing some students to move the pulpit to the middle of the altar.

Since the SS3 students had only one paper for today and they had already written it this morning they were also with us or at least the ones that decided to show up, it consisted mostly of the ones that made up the former student parliament.

I looked around recognizing some of CJ's classmates that I had not seen since they had started their exams. It was like once SS3 students start writing exams they become a whole different part of the school.

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