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I was currently seated in the back seat of Vicky's car waiting for everyone to come so that we could go home. It was closing time and the end of the first C. A test day. I still hadn't seen Kolade since that teacher took him with Amina even after our tests ended.

During prayer time I had noticed that the boy that was caught holding Maimuna was in the chapel. This only made me think that Kolade must've decided to skip prayer time and who knows Amina probably skipped prayers with him. If my assumptions were right then I really didn't like the fact that Kolade was dating Amina.

I really shouldn't have encouraged him to ask her out. I sighed sadly and looked at my watch. I was really getting tired of staying in school. Right now, all I wanted was to go home and prepare for tomorrow's test. I wondered what was stopping the others from coming to the car.

Even Vicky's driver had gotten tired of waiting and had gone to the tuck shop to buy some snacks for himself.

The door beside me opened and Chidindu got inside. "Hey." He said.

I looked at him and tried to muster a smile. I was pretty sure the smile looked tired, I really wasn't in the mood to smile.

"Are you alright?" he asked, after seeing my poor attempt to smile.

"Yeah," I said quietly.

I could tell that he didn't believe me. Even I didn't believe me.

"Zaram..." he started but I stopped him.

"Yankee boy, nothing is wrong."

He narrowed his eyes at me and I responded by grinning.

"Whatever, Nigerian girl." He said.

I smiled to myself, feeling better just from teasing him.

"I almost forgot, on Friday, what happened at your house when Nenye came back home?"

"Nothing really, I was hoping you'd tell me what happened in yours," I said recalling the loud bang I'd heard through the phone followed by him hanging up on me.

"Where do I even begin." He sighed and relaxed into his chair.

"From the beginning?" I asked jokingly.

He looked amused by my reply. "Of course."

I listened quietly as he began to narrate the events of that Friday evening. He first started by clearing my suspicions about the loud bang. It wasn't Vicky who had caused it. As a matter of fact, Vicky had come back much later than Nenye did.

"You should have seen her, she was as high as a kite."

"As expected...but what made the noise?" I asked still curious to find out the cause of the sound that had ended our conversation that evening.

"It was...someone else." He said slowly.

"Who?" I asked.

I noticed his hesitation in answering my question so I decided not to push it, it's not like it was essential to the story. The point was that Nenye and Vicky had decided to skip school for a party.

As expected Vicky used it as an opportunity to get high, while Nenye and CJ had joined forces to keep Nenye's plan away from me and still somehow managed to keep mom and dad from finding out.

"I found out that Nenye and my brother had planned everything together," I said.

He didn't say anything, he turned to look at me so I continued.

"This isn't even the first time that they've done something like this. It's always this way, either Nenye wants to go to a party and CJ covers up for her or CJ wants to go out and Nenye covers for him, they always have each other's backs."

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