Chapter 13

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He moved in slow motion through the air, his claws outstretched, and his jaw open wide. I dodged him, adrenaline pumping through my blood, his claws caught my sleeve, drawing blood.

I hissed at the sudden pain, jumping away. Gripping another knife in my hands, I watched him turn on me, advancing.

I threw one knife, hitting him in the shoulder, he roared in pain. But he didn't stop advancing, pushing me back away from Fenrisúlfr.

Fenrisúlfr was locked in a struggle with the other wolf, he was bleeding on the cheek and the wolf was bleeding from the snout.

The wolf jumped Fenrisúlfr, biting at his legs; but he received a swift kick by Fenrisúlfr, watching the wolf sail through the air, he smacked into a tree, falling with a loud whine.

I threw another dagger at my wolf, this time my aim was correct, and it sailed directly towards his head, almost hitting its target before the wolf was knocked sideways by the other wolf, having been thrown by Fenrisúlfr.

I growled, frustrated with him. "I had him!" I hissed.

"You're welcome!" He grunted angrily.

Both wolves were quick with regaining their footing, both snarling and snapping their teeth.

And then both charged at me. I cried out, reaching for my other knifes. But one wolf was faster, and I was tackled to the ground, his strength dominating mine ten to one, his claws digging into my shoulders. Both were above me barring their teeth, saliva dripping down their chins from their reeking mouths.

As one was ripped off me by Fenrisúlfr, affectively releasing my shoulders, I ripped a knife from my pants and stabbed the other wolf's side.

It roared up, releasing me from his hold, but with my dagger lodged into its side it was restricted with pain. Taking another knife, I stabbed it again, and again and again.

Blood sprayed everywhere, coating his fur and my body.

He collapsed on top of me, no longer being able to stand, although still breathing.

I struggled to lift him off me, his blood in my eyes and mouth.

There was an audible crack and Fenrisúlfr threw the body of his wolf away, striding over to me he kicked the wolf off my body. It whimpered and gargled on its own blood.

Without hesitation, I rolled over and threw my last knife. Hitting its finial target, the wolf went limp.


As I watched the life drain from his eyes, the adrenaline drained from my body. Fenrisúlfr turned me around gently, inspecting my face. "It's not my blood," I mumbled.

He lightly touched my shoulders and arms, where large scratches decorated my skin.

It was hard to see how much I was bleeding, being covered in the now dead wolfs blood, but the pain was manageable.

Watching Fenrisúlfr's face as he inspected me, I saw a long cut across his forehead, almost catching his eye.

Lifting my hand up, I lightly touched his head, "Does it hurt?" I whispered.

"Don't worry about me," he said just as quietly, "Let me heal you."

"I heal pretty well myself." I mumbled.

"You're injured because of me," he looked at me, his eyes were black, "Let me heal you."

He was hypnotising, his voice, his touch, his look. His eyes begged me to let him.

I nodded slowly, watching him with curious eyes as he placed his hands over the cuts on my shoulders, wondering how this was his fault.

It wasn't like last time he had healed me; there was no burst of excruciating pain or burning liquid coming out of my body. There was just a warming sensation where he touched me; it almost tickled as my skin stitched itself up swiftly with his magic. I watched on amazed as he concentrated, his eyebrows scrunching up just the slightest, and his eyes flickering between green and black. When he was done with my shoulders and arms, I noticed his forehead had healed as well.

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