He's Here

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It was the longest day of my life, and by that I mean it was literally the most excruciating, painful day I'd ever lived.

After nineteen hours of labor, we were here. Scented candles were lit throughout the house. Calming music was playing in the background while I took deep breaths in the pool.

"You're almost there, Willa," Toby said, holding his hands out.

For some insane reason, he was inside of the pool with me. If this was reversed, I'd be nowhere near here. He inched closer to my legs, which were spread wide open. Kaya, Stella's assistant, massaged my shoulders.

"Just a little more, sweetie!" Stella said. "Then you're all done."

That last contraction hit me like a freight train. I gripped the handles of the tub as tight as I could, one last time, pushed harder than ever before, and let out an exasperated, relieved sigh.

"I've got him! I've got him!" Toby said.

I leaned my head back and tried to regulate my breathing. Everything was a sudden whirlwind as Toby placed our tiny, squishy little boy on my chest. It was so surreal, getting to know Little Toby and finally being able to hold him.

He wriggled around for a few seconds and coughed a little before his cries filled the room.

"He's got a good pair of lungs, that's for sure!" Stella said. She handed me a blanket to place over him. "Keep him warm."

"I always will," I said.

Toby got out of the pool and wrapped himself in a towel, then sat down next to me.

"He's so perfect. I'm so proud of you," Toby said.

I kissed Little Toby on the head. I didn't want to tell my boyfriend next to me, but he was the spitting image of his biological father. He had a head full of dark brown hair and shiny, bright blue eyes.

We sat in the pool for a while, then finally got cleaned up. Toby helped me get onto the couch and got a diaper for Little Toby.

He dressed me, then put Toby in the super adorable blue polka-dotted onesie we got for him. It was still a little big for him.

"Hey's a tiny one, for sure. Definitely under seven pounds," Stella said. She listened to his lungs and heart. "Everything sounds good. You should probably call your folks."

"I just need a quick nap," I said.

"Yes, yes you do." Stella took Little Toby from me. "The both of you do. Go rest."

Toby took me upstairs and we both passed out on our bed. I woke up to the sounds of baby cries an hour later. I got up slowly and made my way downstairs. Just by the way he was crying, it was like I knew he needed to be fed.

Stella gave me a hand with getting a bottle ready for him. He took it almost instantly. A groggy Toby came downstairs and sat beside me. I looked around the living room, which was all cleaned up. Kaya was already gone.

"Well miss Willa, until next time," Stella said. "I'll do one more recheck before I go. Any unusual pains, other than soreness?" 

"I'm all good! Just tired." I looked down at my baby's adorable, squishy face as he drank from his bottle. "I'm great, actually."

She took my vitals and Little Toby's vitals, then was on her way. We were alone, but not for long. I texted Holden and my parents. Everyone would be over shortly. Toby gave me another kiss on the head.

"I can't believe he's really here," he said.

"Oh trust me, I can. Took long enough! Didn't you, buddy?" I placed him over my shoulder and started burping him.

Behind me, the sun was starting to set. I started going into labor almost a full twenty-four hours ago. It was so surreal that just a day ago, my baby wasn't even here yet. I laid him down in my arms with a pacifier. His eyes were shutting. Perfect. Nice and quiet.

He was quiet, but his face was scrunching up as he moved around. He whined a bit, then settled down. There was suddenly the smell of something awful.

"Uh-oh," I said. Toby looked on, confused. "He let one rip in his diaper."

"I'll take him. You rest."

Toby took our son upstairs to his nursery so he could be changed. I let out a relieved sigh and turned on the cooking channel. One of my favorites was on. I put my feet up and sent a text to Holden, who was eager to come over.

I stretched out my arms, yawned, and covered myself with a blanket. It felt so nice to finally have a minute to myself. Then there was a knock on the door. I could hear excited voices coming from the outside.

"Open up! We want to see him!" Winnie yelled.

"I'll get it!" I heard Toby call from upstairs.

He rushed over, handed Little Toby off to me, and opened the door. My family poured in, each with gifts, balloons, and what looked like enough tupperwares full of food to get me through the next month.

Yup, looks like I was only getting that one single minute to myself.

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