She's Back

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I sat back on the examination table, staring at the monitor. I could see my little one's head, arms, and legs. It's heartbeat was filling the room. Toby, who was standing behind me, squealed with happiness.

"I'm guessing you're the father?" the ultrasound tech asked.

"Absolutely!" Toby said proudly.

"Do you see the gender?" I asked.

"I'm working on it." She moved the wand to the side of my stomach and pressed a little harder. "It just uncrossed it's legs! I've got it, for sure. Are you two doing a gender reveal?"

"Yup!" Toby and I said in unison.

"Okay. I'll put the results in an envelope. Are you doing balloons? A cake? Smoke bombs? People have so many different ways to do it these days!"

"My brothers' want to surprise me," I said.

She placed a piece of paper in the envelope, handed me a towel to wipe off the gel, and left the room. Toby was still acting way more giddy than normal.

"Did you see her face?" he asked.

"I was kinda busy staring at the life inside me on the screen. Why?"

"I'm telling you, she definitely had that 'it's a boy' face!"

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't know there was such a thing."

He helped me off the table and I made my way to checkout to schedule my appointment for next month. Then, we hurried to the car. I opened my phone to see the text I'd been expecting. It was from my mom.

She's back! She's here she's here she's here!!!

"Whisper?" Toby asked as he sat down in the driver's seat. He just got his license a few days ago.

"Yup. I haven't seen her in six months." Toby sat at the wheel, just kind of smiling and staring. "What are you waiting for! Let's go!"

"Sorry. Just thinking about the little one. I can't wait until they get here."

It was a long, bumpy ride all the way out to the quiet, empty ranch. We were completely closed for business. Today was too important. I ran inside my house before Toby could even get himself unbuckled.

I burst through the front door to see my entire family sitting in the dining room. The seat by the window was finally filled again.

I couldn't hold it together when I saw Whisper, because who was before me actually looked familiar. Before she left, she was skinny and sickly. The dark circles under her eyes were all gone. She was like a hollow shell before.

Now, she actually was healthy enough to look exactly like Wrylie, who was sitting next to her.

She ran over and I once again felt her squeezy, cozy embrace.

"I missed you so much, baby sis!" she said, her hands moving to my growing bump. "And now the baby one out of all of us is having a baby! And you look so good, too!"

"Me? What about you?" I asked. "It's so good to see this. It's like we have you back."

"And it's going to stay this way, for real this time. I promise." She lowered her voice. "Don't tell anyone else, but I'm going to be the favorite aunt. You can bet on it."

"Willa, did you find out the gender?" my mother asked.

"Sure did! Got it right here!" Toby said, holding up the envelope.

"I'll be taking that." Watson got up from his chair and plucked the envelope right out of Toby's hands, then sat back down.

He immediately tore the seal and opened it. We all started freaking out so we weren't surprised.

"What are you doing! You're going to ruin it!" I yelled.

Watson shrugged. "I kinda have to see it if Will and I are planning the party."

"But out here? In front of everyone?" I asked.

Will leaned over Watson's shoulder as he slid the results out of the envelope. Everyone looked away. Waldo was covering his eyes, even though he was on the complete other side of the table.

"Can we at least have a hint?" Toby asked, eagerly.

Both of the boys were smiling. Will finally broke the silence filling our crowded dining room.

"All I can say is, it's gonna be a great party."

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