Too Many Danishes

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I shut off the event barn's outside light, then scurried back inside and climbed the spiral staircase to the hayloft. Down below, tables were still in place from a wedding the day before. A sat in a chair in the corner, where the DJ's usually set up.

I smuggled in a ton of blankets and pillows, and the whole place was dark except for the string lights that hung crisscrossed from the ceiling. There were two water bottles in my backpack and a piece of toast for myself. Everything was set up so we could have a nice, long talk.

In the glow of my phone, I sat for a while, just waiting. Holden was already over an hour late. It was a busy Sunday at the gift shop, especially since we opened our riding trails for the season.

It got later and later. I started dozing off. Then, right as I was shutting my eyes, the door creaked open. A muscular figure in a cowboy hat waltzed into the building. He grinned when he saw me and butterflies filled not just my stomach, but my entire body.

"It's about time you got here!" I said.

"My bad. Got a little distracted in the horse barn. I couldn't miss a chance to see my favorite lady."

I rolled my eyes as he came up the staircase. "You're still the only one whose managed to have any kind of connection with Valkyrie. I've still had no luck."

I backed away, making sure my bump was still safely covered with blankets. Holden got down to my level.

"You look...good," he said, taking a deep breath.

In a matter of seconds, his shirt was off. His muscular body gleamed in the faint light. His six pack was just as perfect as I remembered it: tan, chiseled, sexy. His gleaming, ocean blue eyes were bright against his jet black hair.

I reached out and ran my fingers along his sleek, smooth abs. Chills radiated through my body. A massive grin formed across his lips. He knew I was into it.

I wanted nothing more than to relive that one amazing night with him. It felt like I was about to as he kissed me. What it was like didn't feel like just sparks, but an entire show of fireworks.

All the hairs on my neck stood up as our lips collided in that one, juicy kiss. Something about Holden just really made me want him. I pulled him closer...closer. My heart was slamming against my chest. I needed him.

Holden's hand was aiming for one part of me, but landed on my bump as I shifted on the hard floor. He stopped for a second. I tried to pull him back as he chuckled.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"That you seemed like you've put on a few pounds. I'm only gone a few months, and already you're eating too many of your mom's danishes."

I let out a "hmph" and crossed my arms. "While we all know that my mom does make the most delicious raspberry danishes in the world, I—"

It felt like something caught ahold of me. I couldn't speak.

"You what? Ate the brownies instead?"

"Holden I'm pregnant," I said, almost robotically.

Did I really say that? Huh. I guess I did.

He threw the blanket off me and lifted my shirt. As soon as he saw my bump, he put my shirt back down and inched himself away, shaking his head.

" you messing with me? That can't be mine!"

"You were my first and you knew it. You're damn right it's yours!" I said. "Surprise!"

He sighed. "I just can't believe this happened...again." He grabbed his jacket and got to his feet.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I gotta take off. I'm out. I'll text you and we'll figure this whole thing out."

He was down the stairs and out the door in seconds. I went to chase after him, but the sound of his revving motorcycle filled the open barn door. By the time I was halfway across the dance floor he was already gone.

I watched as the light of his bike faded away down the dirt path. A gentle breeze blew and I hugged myself, alone and in the darkness. This wasn't what I was expecting to happen. I put my hand on my fluttering belly. None of this was.   

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