Chapter Thirty

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It was a strange feeling, to be charged at by a raging psycho concerned only with himself and have the dumb ass instinct to defend myself instead of run away. Noah had the same idea as me and I watched as he expertly summoned a stream of water from the fountain and have it race through the doors and punch Kalum in the face. The force of the water must have been huge because Kalum stumbled, off balance.

He stared at us with overwhelming anger, nose scrunched and cheeks red. He growled again and levitated a ball of water, freezing it and aiming it at Noah's head he sent it forward and I had seconds to act.

Without thinking, I lept out from behind Noah and knocked the ice ball off its course with a gust of wind. The ice ball smashed into the glass doors leading back inside the restaurant, causing the glass to crack. This cause more panic from the people inside some people screaming when they heard the collision.

Noah didn't hesitate for even a second. I watched him raise both arms into the air and the water soaking the ground rose up in droplets before converging into another huge stream of water and when he jerked his arms right, the water soaking Kalum and once again knocking him off his balance. Noah rushed forward and kicked Kalum's dagger as far away from him as possible. Kalum lunged at Noah's leg, causing Noah to tumble to the ground. Kalum yelled at Noah in a language I didn't understand.

I had to react fast; they were already starting to struggle on the ground. I was surprised security hadn't shown up yet. Out of blind panic I chose the most dangerous and extreme approach- I didn't even think about it I just pointed my finger in their direction and a moment later a huge lighting bolt struck the ground about half a meter away from them, leaving a charred patch of ground with smoke rising.

'Fuck!' Kalum shouted and rolled away as fast as he could. Noah yelped and desperately scrambled as fast as he could.

'Are you crazy! You fucking bitch!' Kalum kept swearing at me and I was convinced he was going to kill me first, when security finally ran into the room. Kalum's eyes widened and he sprinted off, I took advantage of the situation and acted like the victim.

'Please get him! He assaulted us!' I forced tears into my eyes and they nodded at me before running after him.

Noah gaped at me. 'Lighting?' He looked dazed.

I shrugged guiltily. 'I didn't think it through.'

'No shit Sherlock!' He grumbled and got off the ground. 'We should get of here before a crowd comes in- we don't want to draw anymore attention.'

I wrung my hands anxiously. 'Surely they all saw what just happened?'

'Which is exactly why we need to go. The sooner we're gone and not associated, the sooner it'll fade into a silly story no one believes.'

I nodded in understanding. I wanted to go back to my friends but I couldn't risk being called out, so I followed Noah out of the White Rose, and we ran towards the beach. I would tell them I ran after the guy who attacked me, they didn't need to know it was Kalum. That would raise more questions.


'What if people come looking for us?' I asked. We were now on the beach; I had ditched my boots and now I could feel the sand beneath my toes. It was grainy and warm. The night was windy and the clouds black. Noah's hair was beign blown around, as was mine. I had to tuck it into my shirt to stop it irritating me. I could feel a storm was on the way. The air felt electric.

Noah shook his head. 'I've been through this before. Mortals don't question a lot. They don't want to seem crazy.' He gave me a long look. 'Do you want to tell me why Kalum is trying to kill you?'

Fantasy Tales Series: Rise of The MerfolkWhere stories live. Discover now