Chapter Four~Edited

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I couldn't do anything but stare down in horror at my newly acquired appendage. It was long and slim, covered in small scales and was an ombre of aquamarine fading to a turquoise at the end of it. The fin was curly at the tips and even in my state of shock I had to appreciate how beautiful it was. I glanced down at my chest and realised my breasts were covered in scales too. What happened to my clothes?

No one was around but I had no idea what on earth I was supposed to do. I had thought a couple of scales made me a freak, that seemed like a blessing compared to the tail I had now. A fish tail! This was impossible. Mermaids weren't real- I tried to convince myself I was dreaming. I pinched myself I slapped my cheeks and I closed my eyes then reopened them a few minutes later.

It was not a dream. This was real. Why was this happening to me? I was a good person who tried her best in everyday life and in school so why was I being punished?

I knew I had to prioritise between wanting to cry and scream here in the middle of the ocean and getting rid of the tail. I couldn't let anybody see me like this- even in my haze of panic I knew if anyone saw this mess I would be experimented on. I would be isolated and become a media sensation. I wanted to laugh in scorn at my previous anxiety towards having a few scales. The truth was that I would happily put up with them in exchange for getting rid of this atrocious tail.

Media attention would be an even worse fate than living with a tail the rest of my life. At least then I would have my freedom, and learn what the fuck was going on to me. Then maybe I could begin to make sense of it.

I couldn't wait a second longer for every second I was out in the open was a second longer I risked being discovered. So I took action and crawling on my stomach I used my elbows to pull myself through the salty ocean water constantly splashing into my face. The sludgy sand was irritating my elbows, I was betting they would be tomato red by the end of this affair. As the water got deeper I stopped holding back and started to weep. I was out of my depth here, I was in trouble and I needed help. I found a thicker wooden pole holding up the pier and sat behind it so nobody would see me from the shore. It was old and grey, covered in green and yellow barnacles and slimy seaweed, gross.

Once again, I examined my...problem. I was a Mermaid. What did the legends say about switching back to legs? I needed my legs back. i didn't want to be a Mermaid I wanted to be a regular human. Or if I had to be a Mermaid why couldn't fate just ease me into it? 

I couldn't think of anything to help me. I was on my own. Maybe I had to wish the tail to go away? Desperately, I closed my eyes and wished as hard as I could for the tail to disappear. Nothing happened. I could feel my breathing picking up and had to breathe calmly through my nose. I felt my heart rate decrease again and my breathing returned. My tail twitched in the water sending droplets of ocean splashing. I squealed quietly. It did that on its own account like a pair of legs would.

Then I thought that maybe it was my panic stopping me from transforming back to legs. I wiped away my tears and closed my eyes yet again. Only focusing on my breathing and picturing clearly in my head what I wanted. Legs. My human, tanned legs.

I stayed like that for a while. When I dared to open my eyes again, I broke out into a huge grin. I was so happy I had to resist shouting and fist pumping. I had my long legs back. My shorts, shoes and top were back too. It was like it had never happened and I could almost convince myself it didn't.

Except for the fact that I was sitting in water up to my waist and soaking wet. I wasted no time jumping up. My legs wobbled slightly but I forced them to run out of the water and I stumbled onto the hot sand landing on my back. It was a soft grainy landing. At least I was back to normal. I immediately scanned my entire body but I couldn't find a single scale in sight. No evidence of my problem at all. It was like the universe had heard my wishes and decided to reward me.

Fantasy Tales Series: Rise of The MerfolkWhere stories live. Discover now