Chapter Eighteen~ Edited

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I glared at Kalum from across the dining table. He was once again joined at the hip with Naomi and had decided to grace us with his horrible presence for dinner. I'm not kidding, his aura sucked. His blonde hair was spiked today and his bright green eyes felt like neon lights in a dark room, it was a bit creepy. Was that a Merman thing? Did my eyes look like they were glowing? He wore a simple blue t-shirt and brown beach shorts. Now that Cora had pointed out to me that Kalum was a Merman it was hard to miss it, It seemed so obvious to me now. Everything he did I examined (probably to a fault) and I realised I should have put two and two together earlier. Naomi's condition seemed to getting worse and I was getting increasingly more and more worried for her. Knowing she was under a spell and not being able to say anything as each day passed, to anyone, was a horrible feeling. It wasn't the first time since discovering my mermaid side that I felt alone among my mortal friends.

I also knew that Kalum was aware that I too, was a Mermaid. I could tell by the way he looked at me cautiously- with a sneer and a glint in his eye that told me I was in for it. I had to watch my back. So far, I was not liking Mermen. However, despite what everyone around me said repeatedly, I refused to believe all Mermen were like Kalum. Surely there was still hope for the species. People, even supernatural creatures were individuals with different mindsets and surely not all of the Mermen hated Mermaids. 

Not everyone could be lumped and categorised into the same thing based on whether they were a Merman or a Mermaid. Cora had to be wrong on this one. Just like how the feud between Werewolves and Vampires was utter bullshit too, (yeah, even the mortals knew those two didn't get along). 

Lila's concerns long ago about Kalum searching my room popped into my mind- how had I not revisited this topic? I was such a forgetful fuck sometimes. Totally hopeless. Kalum was searching my room because he knew I was a Mermaid all along. He was looking for something, but I had no idea what it could be. I didn't really carry much of value when I went on holidays with friends. This brought up several questions in my mind, one of them being- how did he know I was a Mermaid in the first place? Maybe he saw me swimming one day? And what was he searching for?

'Aqua?' A voice echoed.

I blinked, startled. 'What?'

Lila was smiling at me comfortingly. Lila always had a lovely smile, it was warm and welcoming. 'Are you thinking of Cece?' Her black rimmed glasses were perched on her nose and she pushed them up, her blue hair was braided over her shoulder messily today. I vaguely wondered what dying my own hair would be like. 

Cece had not woken up yet and the doctors still couldn't decide on what the poison was that made her like a useless vegetable. They did know that she wasn't on the brink of death however, and that was something. It was like she was in an eternal sleep. I didn't really expect an answer about it but Sophia was calling every day demanding they run more and more tests. I rubbed my temples and sighed breathing in some fresh oxygen. I felt bad for putting Cece out of my mind as much as I could but I had too otherwise I would die of anxiety over her. There wasn't any use stressing myself out, my stress wasn't going to fix anything. 

That being said I straight up lied to Lila. I couldn't very well tell her I was obsessing over Kalum. 'Yeah. She's in such a bad state. I don't understand why they can't figure out the poison.'

She gripped my hand reassuringly. 'She's not dying- surely it means she's going to wake up soon.'

'Yeah.' I said sadly. I rubbed the back of my neck in a nervous habit. I didn't bring up the multitude of cases where people were stuck in coma's for years on end, always floating in limbo and never fully recovering. I suspected if I even bothered to suggest such a thing I'd be the next person to be beat into the ground. 

Fantasy Tales Series: Rise of The MerfolkWhere stories live. Discover now