Chapter Sixteen~ Edited

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We were all wrecked with concern the next day. We still hadn't heard anything about Cece's condition and Sophia was about ready to sue the restaurant and everyone in it. We had all unanimously decided not to visit Cece again after dinner because it was late and doubtful that her condition hadn't changed in an hour or two. I knew it wasn't the restaurants fault- it was that sleazebag Kalum's. I wanted to out him to everybody, to have him be humiliated and pay for what he had done. I didn't have much proof though. Naomi would have never forgiven me though and I knew I had to bide my time and wait to strike back at him. I was already formulating a plan in my mind, perhaps if I followed him I might be able to find some dirt on him. I knew where he lived and I could search through his stuff to confirm my suspicions. I was putting the pieces together into my mind and the picture it created was a Merman. An evil, vindictive, self-serving Merman. I was sure in my mind that not all Merman could be like that but he certainly was. It also explained why whenever he looked at me it was with disgust, because I was a Mermaid.

 He wouldn't say where he was from, he had a strange accent and a weird fascination with my necklace- the key to unlocking Mermen weaponry. I would have to keep an eye on him.

'Let's go visit her this afternoon maybe her conditions changed?' Sophia suggested. We all nodded along, except Naomi, because she was no where to be found. I would be concerned but I knew she was with Kalum and it disgusted me that she had made that choice. I also knew that people made bad choices but still had good hearts so I wasn't about to go and scream at her. Naomi was still our red headed and helpful best friend. She would soon realise that Cece was more important right now. As much as I hated Kalum perhaps he was giving Naomi comfort over Cece?

I laughed at the thought- more like he whispering doubts and lies into Naomi's head.

'Aqua some girl with pink hair is here to see you!' Lila called.


I raced to the door to greet her. She was wearing a blue sun dress and bare feet. A crown of seashells was placed on top of her head. 'Hi.' She smiled. 'Can I come inside?'

I was surprised to see her in broad daylight at the foot of the door step with all my other friends around, who did not know about my secret, here. 'Of course. What are you doing here?'

She bounced inside and I closed the door. 'Why are you here?' I repeated.

She laughed. 'What do you mean?' Cora faced Lila and her smile brightened ten- fold. 'I'm Cora! Nice to meet you.' She held out her hand.

Lila blushed a little and shook it. 'I remember you from the cafe.' 

A thoughtful expression passed over Cora's face. 'That was you with Aqua?'

Lila's face fell a little bit. 'You don't remember?'

Cora smirked. 'Of course I remember a gorgeous girl like yourself, I love your hair.'

Lila's whole face turned red in embarrassment and she shied away immediately. 'Thank you.' She twirled her blue hair around her finger. 

'Anyway, -,' I interjected. It was obvious to me that Lila found Cora attractive. I also knew that Cora wasn't here to flirt though- she was here on official mermaid business. Why else had she shown up so suddenly during the day? Cora struck me as the sort of person who was usually very discreet. 'Why are you here again?'

'New person?' Sophia waltzed in with a bag of potato chips, grey sweat pants, a purple singlet top and her hair in a lazy bun. 'I'm Sophia.' She held out her hand for Cora to shake. Cora shook it.

'Cora. I'm Aqua's friend.'

Sophia raised an eyebrow at me. 'You didn't mention you had friends up here. We would have invited her along to all our stuff!' She beamed at Cora. 'Any friend of hers Is a friend of mine.'

Fantasy Tales Series: Rise of The MerfolkWhere stories live. Discover now