12. Until Death Do Us Part

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The silence in the car remained for the rest of the drive home. Ransom kept opening his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. You pull into the driveway, parking the Beemer in its usual spot. Neither you nor Ransom move from your seats in the car.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't think it would ever matter. I definitely didn't expect anything like this to happen," you don't look at Ransom as you speak.

He simply nods and gets out of the car, walking into the house, stumbling slightly on the steps. You sigh and follow him at a bit of a distance to make sure he doesn't hurt himself. 'He must've had too much to drink' you reason with yourself.
You find him in the kitchen, chugging a glass of water. Only to refill the glass and repeat the process.

"Ransom, please just say something," you beg quietly, but loud enough for him to hear.

"I have a headache," he states, focusing his attention on the fourth glass of water in less than 5 minutes.

You gently grab his hand, taking the glass of water away from him. "You know that's not what I meant. And cool it with the water. You're gonna get hyponatremia if you keep it up at this pace."

"I'm thirsty," he tries to take the glass back, but you keep it out of his reach.

"Then you're probably dehydrated. Do you need me to take you to the hospital?"

"No," he puffs his cheeks slightly and walks off to the stairs.

"Ransom, where are you going?" you put the glass down, following after him. Dodger notices and immediately jumps up from his bed and follows you both.

"To bed. I'm tired."

"Please just talk to me..."

He sighs and stops walking, allowing you to catch up and move in front of him so he's facing you. "We can talk in the morning," he states, gripping the railing tightly. His knuckles turn slightly white in an effort to keep himself upright.

"Are you ok...?" you ask, slightly nervously. You've seen him drunk and it's never been like this.

"Mhmm," he replied simply, stumbling past you and into your bedroom.

The door doesn't shut completely behind him. You stand on the stairs, trying to keep yourself from crying. Dodger tilts his head and wags his tail slightly in an effort to cheer you up. You smile slightly at how adorable he looks. That smile disappears in seconds as you hear a thud from the bedroom.


You get no response.

You rush up the rest of the stairs, opening your bedroom door to see Ransom passed out on the ground. "Jesus, Ransom. How fucking drunk are you?" you mutter as you manage to hoist him onto the bed. Luckily he wasn't far from the bed.


You wake up alone in the bed and decide to go downstairs to look for Ransom.

You find him lying on the couch, wrapped in one of your cashmere blankets as he watches Netflix.
"Feeling better?" you ask as you walk over, sitting next to his pillow.

"Just tired," he nods slightly.

"How drunk were you last night?"

"Not very," he says simply.

"You seemed hella tipsy though."

"My problem wasn't with being drunk."

You decide not to question him anymore, he doesn't seem thrilled about the subject. "Anyways, about yesterday..." you trail off, hoping he'll catch on. He sighs.

"I'm not going to hold that against you, Y/n. I'm sure you had your reasons to not want to tell me that you're the daughter of a famous detective. I might not know those reasons, but I don't have to. It's your right to choose what you tell me and I will always respect your decisions. I trust you. We all have our own secrets."

"Even you?"

He hesitates slightly, "I suppose so, yeah."

"Like what? You know mine, do I get to know yours?"

He looks up at you from his position of lying next to you on the couch. You absentmindedly run your fingers through his hair as he watches you, weighing his options.

"Not now, maybe later," he smiles gently up at you.

"No rush, we have the rest of our lives. Until death do us part," you lean down and kiss his forehead.

"Until death do us part," Ransom repeats, "I always thought that was such a weird thing to have to say."

You nod in agreement. "Death does seem like it'd do a good job at separating us though."

"Maybe, maybe not."

He sits up, pulling you into his lap and wrapping the blanket around both of you. You blush and smile happily as you snuggle into him, both of you watching Netflix.


Eventually you find a good pause point in your binge-watching and you make two cups of (coffee/tea/hot drink of your preference). One for you, one for Ransom. Just as you're about to sit down, the doorbell rings, setting off Dodger. He runs to the door, barking nonstop. You sigh and hand Ransom both of your mugs before going to answer the door.

Marta is there, looking panicked. Dodger immediately perks up and sniffs her, excited to see another person.

"Hey, you ok? Come in," you lead Marta inside.

"I got this," she says, holding out an envelope. Her voice and hand shakes. You take the envelope and sit next to Ransom as you open it. He takes it from you and studies the slip of paper.

"I don't know... what's this?" he points to something at the bottom of the paper. He rests his chin against his hand which is covered by the sleeve of his sweater.

"It's my medical bag tag. They have my medical bag for some reason," Marta replies.

"Okay, but this is a photocopy of just the header of a blood toxicology report on Harlan," Ransom clarifies. "Marta, this is going to show the morphine overdose."

Marta just shrugs frantically as her breathing gets heavier. "So I'm screwed?" she reasons.

"Hey, it'll be ok," you try to reassure her.

"How do you know all this stuff?" she asks Ransom.

"I was Harlan's research assistant for a summer when Y/n was studying abroad. But what kind of blackmail scheme is this? I mean, the actual evidence is sitting up the street in the crime lab. There's no demands, there's no meeting place," Ransom shakes his head. "What's the point in sending you this?"

Marta shrugs.

"Maybe we should go to the medical examiner's office? They could've just intended to meet there?" you offer, pointing out the logo on the toxicology report.

"We could try," Marta agrees.

"We'll have to take your car, the Beemer only has two seats," you add.

And off you go.

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